INDIA - Survey on Health Care July - June 1995-96, NSS 52nd Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SHC-1995-v2.1 |
Year | 1995 - 1996 |
Country | INDIA |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Organization - Ministry of Statistics Programme Implementation , Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | Government Of India - GOI - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block 1 & 2 | IDENTIFICATION OF SAMPLE HOUSEHOLD AND HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS This file contains data related to Block 1 and Block 2 of the household survey questionnaire . Block 1 : This block is meant for recording the identification particulars of the sample village / block in terms of codes or numbers. Block 2 : This block is meant for Household characteristics includes socio-economic characteristics of the sample household which have a direct bearing on the data collected in the subsequent blocks. | 0 | 58 |
Block 3 | DEMOGRAPHIC PARTICULARS OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS This file contains data related to Block 3 of the household survey questionnaire. It includes the demographic particulars of household members like sex, age, marital status, general educational level, usual activity status, occupational status, nic code if working, whether hospitalised during last one year, whether ailing during last 15 days and hence whether usual activity disrupted etc of all members of the household. | 0 | 39 |
Block 3_1 | PARTICULARS OF PREGNANCY OF EVER MARRIED WOMEN OF AGE BELOW 55 YEARS This file contains data related to Block 3.1 of the household survey questionnaire. This block is meant for recording the particulars of pregnancy of ever married women of age below 50 years during last 365 days . | 0 | 34 |
Block 3_2 | PARTICULARS OF DEATHS IN THE HOUSEHOLD DURING LAST 365 DAYS This file contains data related to Block 3.2 of the household survey questionnaire. This block lists the persons who died during the last 365 days preceding the day of survey and also the particulars of death like, age at death, time elapsed since death, cause of death, place of death, medical attention before death etc. | 0 | 34 |
Block 3_3 | USE OF TOBACCO / INTOXICANTS BY MEMBERS AGED 10 YEARS AND ABOVE This file contains data related to Block 3.3 of the household survey questionnaire. This file contains information on the regular habit of consumption of some specified items of tobacco/intoxicants by the members aged 10 years and above. The items of tobacco/intoxicants considered here were alchohol, biri/cigar/cigaratte/hukka, tobacco ( snap, chewing tobacco, gurakhu, etc.), ganja, charas and opium. | 0 | 33 |
Block 4 | PARTICULARS OF MEDICAL TREATMENT RECEIVED AS INPATIENT OF A HOSPITAL DURING LAST 365 DAYS This file contains data related to Block 4 of the household survey questionnaire with particulars of medical treatment received as inpatient of a hospital during last 365 days : | 0 | 45 |
Block 4_1_1 | EXPENSES INCURRED FOR TREATMENT OF MEMBERS TREATED AS INPATIENT OF HOSPITAL DURING LAST 365 DAYS This file contains data related to part-1 of Block 4.1 of the questionnaire which comprises of information based on expenses incurred for treatment of members treated as inpatient of hospital during last 365 days. | 0 | 38 |
Block 4_1_2 | PARTICULARS OF SOURCE OF FINANCE FOR MEETING THE EXPENSES INCURRED FOR TREATMENT OF MEMBERS TREATED AS INPATIENT OF HOSPITAL DURING LAST 365 DAYS This file contains data related to part-2 of Block 4.1 of the questionnaire which consists of information about the particulars of source of finance for meeting the medical expenses and other expenses like transport, lodging, etc. while inpatient of hospital during last 365 days | 0 | 37 |
Block 5 | PARTICULARS OF SPELLS OF AILMENT OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS DURING LAST 15 DAYS This file contains data related Block 5 of the questionnaire. In this block, particulars of all the spells of ailments suffered during the last 15 days preceding the date of survey by the members of the household were collected. | 0 | 45 |
Block 5_1_1 | EXPENSES INCURRED DURING LAST 15 DAYS FOR TREATMENT OF MEMBERS ( NOT AS INPATIENT OF HOSPITAL ) This file contains data related to part-1 of Block 5.1 of the questionnaire. The particulars of medical treatment undergone (but not as inpatient of a hospital) during the reference period of the last 15 days for recovery from a spell of ailment were collected in this block. | 0 | 40 |
Block 5_1_2 | PARTICULARS OF SOURCE OF FINANCE FOR MEETING THE EXPENSES INCURRED DURING LAST 15 DAYS FOR TREATMENT OF MEMBERS ( NOT AS INPATIENT OF HOSPITAL) This file contains data related to part-2 of Block 5.1 of the questionnaire. This includes details of source of finance for meeting the expenses incurred due to treatment of ailing members however not as inpatient of hospital. | 0 | 38 |
Block 6 | PARTICULARS OF IMMUNISATIN AND OTHER HEALTH CARE FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 0-4 YEARS This file contains data related to Block 6 of the questionnaire. This file peratins to information on particulars of immunisation and other health care for children of age 0-4 years . Information as to whether children of age 0-4 years have ever been immunised with BCG, DPT, OPV and measles vaccines, which are administered generally as a course of several doses with one or more booster doses . Also, contains the particulars relating to the paediatric care, nutritional care and feeding practices of children. | 0 | 43 |
Block 7 | PARTICULARS OF PRE-NATAL CARE OF WOMEN OF AGE BELOW 50 YEARS WHO WERE PREGNANT DURING LAST 365 DAYS This file contains data related to Block 7 of the questionnaire. This file contains information pertaining to particulars of pre-natal care of women of age below 50 years who were pregnant during last 365 days | 0 | 36 |
Block 8 | PARTICULARS OF MATERNITY & POST-NATAL CARE OF MOTHERS OF CHILDREN BORN DURING LAST 365 DAYS This file contains data related to Block 8 of the questionnaire. In this block, the particulars of maternal and post-natal care of mothers in respect of births corresponding to the infants born within a period of 365 days preceding the date of survey, irrespective of whether the infant living on the date of survey or not. | 0 | 38 |
Block 9 | PARTICULARS OF ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE AND CHRONIC AILMENTS FOR PERSONS AGED 60 YEARS AND ABOVE This file contains data related to Block 9 of the questionnaire. This block was used for recording details of economic independence or otherwise of the aged persons, their economic condition, living arrangement along with the details of chronic ailments from which they were suffering. | 0 | 51 |
Block 10 | PARTICULARS OF RETIREMENT AND / OR WITHDRAWAL FROM ECONOMIC ACTIVITY FOR PERSONS OF AGE 60 YEARS WHO WERE EVER EMPLOYED BUT ARE CURRENTLY NOT EMPLOYED This file contains data related to Block 10 of the questionnaire. This block was filled in for aged persons who were ever employed and subsequently retired/withdrew from economic activity. Information on economic activity and particulars of retirement/withdrawal benefits was recorded from such persons. Information for persons who were ever engaged in wage/salaried job, like their age and occupation at retirement along with the cause of retirement and the retirement benefits were collected and also for those who were ever employed but not in wage/salaried status, on the aspects of withdrawal from job. For persons who remained economically active for sometime even after retirement from regular wage/salaried job, information on the aspects of their withdrawal from the job during major part of their working life was collected. The label 'retirement' is applicable to persons who were ever engaged in wage/salaried job while the label 'withdrawal' is applicable to others, i.e. those who were ever employed in self-employed capacity. | 0 | 34 |
Block 11 | PARTICULARS OF FAMILIAL INTEGRATION OF PERSONS AGED 60 YEARS AND ABOVE This file contains data related to Block 11 of the questionnaire. This file contains information about aged person above 60 years regarding the psychological integration with their families and on their awareness of home for the aged / institutions for elderly persons. | 0 | 35 |
WORKSHEET | WORKSHEET FOR RECORDING HOUSEHOLD CONSUMER EXPENDITURE (Rs.) This file contains data related to worksheet of the questionnaire for recording household consumer expenditure. | 0 | 27 |