INDIA - Survey on Health Care July - June 1995-96, NSS 52nd Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SHC-1995-v2.1 |
Year | 1995 - 1996 |
Country | INDIA |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Organization - Ministry of Statistics Programme Implementation , Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | Government Of India - GOI - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Data Description
Data File: Block 3
Content | DEMOGRAPHIC PARTICULARS OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS This file contains data related to Block 3 of the household survey questionnaire. It includes the demographic particulars of household members like sex, age, marital status, general educational level, usual activity status, occupational status, nic code if working, whether hospitalised during last one year, whether ailing during last 15 days and hence whether usual activity disrupted etc of all members of the household. |
Cases | 0 |
Variable(s) | 39 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Household identification number) |
Name | Label | Question | |
SL_NO | Serial no. | Serial number | |
ROUND_SCH | Round schedule | Round schedule | |
STATE | Sate code | Sate code | |
STATE_REGION | State Region code | State Region code | |
STATE_REGION_DISTRICT | State Region District code | State Region District code | |
REGION | Region code | Region code | |
SUB_ROUND | Sub Round | Sub Round | |
FLOT_NO | Flot No. | Flot No. | |
VILL_BLK_NO | Village/ block no. | Village/ block serial number | |
SAMPLE_V_B_NO | Sample village/block no. | Sample village/block number | |
SSS | Second stage startum | Second stage startum | |
HH_NO | Household no | Household number | |
LVL_NO | Level no. | Level number | |
DISTRICT | District code | District code | |
SECTOR | Sector code | Sector code | |
SUB_SAMPLE | Sub-sample | Sub-sample | |
SLNO | Serial no. of members | Sl. no. | |
FILLER | Zero filler | Zero filler | |
REL_TO_HEAD | Relation to head of the household | Relation to head code | |
SEX | Sex | sex ( male-1, female-2 ) | |
AGE | Age | Age (years) | |
MARITAL_STATUS | Marital status | Marital status ( code ) | |
GEN_EDUCATION | General education level | General education level ( code ) | |
USUAL_ACTIVITY | Usual activity status | Usual activity status ( code ) | |
PRINCIPAL_STATUS_NIC | NIC code if working in Principal status | NIC code if working in Principal status | |
SUB_STATUS_NIC | NIC code if working in Subsidiary status | NIC code if working in Subsidiary status | |
PRINCIPAL_STATUS_NCO | Occupation (Principal status) | Occupation (Principal status) ( code ) | |
HOSPITALISED | Whether hospitalised during last year | During last year, whether hospitalised ? | |
NO_TIMES_HOSP | No of times hospitalised | No. of times hospitalised | |
AILING_LAST_15D | Whether ailing during last 15 days | Whether ailing during last 15 days ? | |
AILING_PREV_DAY | Whether ailing on the day before the date of survey | Was the person ailing the day before the date of survey? | |
USUAL_ACT_DISRUPTED | Whether usual activity disrupted if ailing on the day before the date of survey | If the person was ailing the day before the date of the survey, then is the usual activity disrupted ? | |
BLANK | Blank | Blank | |
OTHER_ID | other ID | other ID | |
UPDATE_CODE | Update code | Update code | |
MULT_SUB_SAMPLE | Sub sample ( 1/2) multiplier | Sub sample ( 1/2) multiplier | |
MULT_COMB | Combined multiplier | Combined multiplier | |
HHID | Household identification number | Household identification number | |
PID | Person unique identification number | Person unique identification number | |
Total variable(s):
39 |