INDIA - Survey on Health Care July - June 1995-96, NSS 52nd Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SHC-1995-v2.1 |
Year | 1995 - 1996 |
Country | INDIA |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Organization - Ministry of Statistics Programme Implementation , Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | Government Of India - GOI - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Ownership and management of financial assets
File: Block 11
File: Block 11
Discrete Format: character Width: 1 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Participation in management of financial assets means involvement in making decisions such as making or encashing fixed deposit etc. in bank or post office, purchase or encashment of N.S.C./bonds/shares, and generally deciding the change in portfolio of financial assets held by the household (conversion of one form of asset into another).
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Does the aged person participate in : Ownership and management of financial assets ( code )
Value | Category |
0 | No response |
1 | participating in managaement |
2 | not participating in management |
3 | not owning but managing assets |
4 | not owning and not managing assets |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.