India - Household Consumer Expenditure, January-December, 1983, NSS 38th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-38Rnd-Sch1.0-1983 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 15, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,3 and 10- H
ousehold Characteris
tics - Block 4 - Food intak
e - Block 5 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on food and non food
items - Block 6pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re on clothing - Block 6pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure on cl
othing - Block 7pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re on footwear - Block 7pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure on fo
otwear - Block 8 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc - Block 9pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re for purchase of d
urables - Block 9pt1 - Househo
ld expenditure for p
urchase of durables - Block 9pt2 - Monthly
household expenditu
re for construction
& repair of dura
bles - Block 9pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure for c
onstruction & re
pair of durables
Variable Groups
No. of meals served to employees in other than ceremony
File: Block 4 - Food intake
File: Block 4 - Food intake
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-2106 | Valid cases: 117423 Invalid: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 2106 Mean: 1.3 Standard deviation: 18.8 |
A 'Meal' is composed of one of more readily cat able (generally cooked) items of food, the usual major constituent of which is cereal food. The meals consumed by a person twice or thrice a day provide him/her the required energy of (calorie) and other nutrients for living and for pursuing his/her normal avocations. A 'meal' as opposed to 'snacks ' as opposed to 'snacks', 'nasta' or 'high tea' , contains larger quantum and variety of food. In rare cases, a full meal may contain larger quantity of non-cereal food. Even that, if the total quantum of food in plate is heavy as a meal, the contents of the food plate will also be considered as a real. Sometimes the contents of a 'nasta' may not be very different from the contents of a 'meal'. The difference in quantity will there be the guiding factor for deciding whether the plate is to be led as a 'meal ' or a nasta.
A 'Meal' is composed of one of more readily cat able (generally cooked) items of food, the usual major constituent of which is cereal food. The meals consumed by a person twice or thrice a day provide him/her the required energy of (calorie) and other nutrients for living and for pursuing his/her normal avocations. A 'meal' as opposed to 'snacks ' as opposed to 'snacks', 'nasta' or 'high tea' , contains larger quantum and variety of food. In rare cases, a full meal may contain larger quantity of non-cereal food. Even that, if the total quantum of food in plate is heavy as a meal, the contents of the food plate will also be considered as a real. Sometimes the contents of a 'nasta' may not be very different from the contents of a 'meal'. The difference in quantity will there be the guiding factor for deciding whether the plate is to be led as a 'meal ' or a nasta.
Questions and instructions
Literal question
No. of meals served to employees in other than ceremony?
Interviewer instructions
A person rendering domestic service to a number of households during the day time (like cleaning utensils, dusting and cleaning of rooms, washing linens, carrying water from outside etc.) and gets some food from each of the households he/she serves. Although the quantum of food received from a single household may, by quantity, be far less than a full meal, the total quantity of food received from all the households taken together would often, if not more, be at least equivalent to a full meal. In this particular situation, the person will be considered to be consuming one meal every day under 'meals taken away from home'.