India - Household Consumer Expenditure, January-December, 1983, NSS 38th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-38Rnd-Sch1.0-1983 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 15, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,3 and 10- H
ousehold Characteris
tics - Block 4 - Food intak
e - Block 5 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on food and non food
items - Block 6pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re on clothing - Block 6pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure on cl
othing - Block 7pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re on footwear - Block 7pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure on fo
otwear - Block 8 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc - Block 9pt1 - Monthly
household expenditu
re for purchase of d
urables - Block 9pt1 - Househo
ld expenditure for p
urchase of durables - Block 9pt2 - Monthly
household expenditu
re for construction
& repair of dura
bles - Block 9pt2 - Househo
ld expenditure for c
onstruction & re
pair of durables
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Blocks 1,3 and 10- Household Characteristics
Content | Household characteristics like, household size, principal industry-occupation, social group, land possessed and cultivated, type of dwelling etc. are recorded in these blocks. |
Cases | 117604 |
Variable(s) | 53 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Key to identify a household) |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Key to identify a household | ||
CDI | C.D.I. (Record Type/Level) | C.D.I. (Record Type/Level) | |
Round | Round Number | Round Number | |
Sector | Sector | Sector | |
Vill_Blk_Slno | Village/Bl. Srl. No. | Village/Bl. Srl. No. | |
State_Region | State_Region | State_Region | |
State | State | State | |
SubRound | Sub Round | Sub Round | |
Hhold_no | Sample Household No. | Sample Household No. | |
Sample | Sample | Sample | |
Stratum | Stratum | Stratum | |
SubSample | Sub Sample | Sub Sample | |
Sample_vill_blk | Sample village/block | Sample village/block | |
Informant_Code | Informant Code | Informant Code | |
Informant_Type_Code | Type of Informant Code | Type of Informant Code | |
Survey_Code | Survey Code | Survey Code | |
Substn_Code | Reason for substitution | Reason for substitution | |
Income_account | Whether household maintains account of income | Whether household maintains account of income? | |
Expenditure_account | Whether household maintains account of expenditure | Whether household maintains account of expenditure? | |
B3_1_q1 | No. of Adult Males in the Household | No. of Adult Males in the Household? | |
B3_1_q2 | No. of Adult Females in the Household | No. of Adult Females in the Household? | |
B3_1_q3 | No. of Children in the Household | No. of Children in the Household? | |
B3_1_q4 | Total members in the household | Total members in the household? | |
B3_1_q5a | NIC Code | Which industry are you working in? | |
B3_1_q5b | NCO Code | Which occupation are you in? | |
B3_1_q6 | Household type code | Household type code | |
HH_Type | Sector wise household type | Sector wise household type | |
B3_1_q7 | Religion | What is your religion? | |
B3_1_q8 | Social Group Code | Which social group do you belong to? Do you come under scheduled caste or scheduled tribe or others category? | |
B3_1_q9 | Homestead type | Homestead type | |
B3_1_q10 | Land area owned | How much land do you own? | |
B3_1_q11 | Monthly per capita expenditure | Monthly per capita expenditure? | |
B3_1_q12 | Type of latrine code | Type of latrine ? | |
B3_1_q13 | No. of flush system latrines | No. of flush system latrines ? | |
B3_1_q14 | Primary source of drinking water | Primary source of drinking water? | |
B3_1_q15 | Source of energy for cooking | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for cooking? | |
B3_1_q16 | Source of energy for lighting | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for lighting? | |
B10_q1 | Dwelling unit code | Do you own the dwelling unit? Or is it hired or otherwise occupied? | |
B10_q2 | Covered Area (sq. meter) | How much is the covered area of the dwelling? | |
B10_q3 | Land Possession Code | Land Possession Code? | |
B10_q4 | Plinth level | Plinth level | |
B10_q5 | Type of Dwelling | What is the type of dwelling of the household? Is it an independent house or a flat or any other type of dwelling? | |
B10_q6 | Type of Structure | What is the type of structure of the dwelling? | |
B10_q7 | Floor Type | Floor Type | |
B10_q8 | Monthly rent (actual of imputed for urban only) | Monthly rent (actual of imputed for urban only) | |
B10_q9 | Condition of the house code | Condition of the house code? | |
B10_q11 | Does the household get enough food? | Does the household get enough food? | |
Record_No | Record number | Record number | |
Last_rec_indicator | Last record indicator | Last record indicator | |
Upadate_Code | Update Code | Update Code | |
Posted_Stratum_Code | Posted Stratum Code | Posted Stratum Code | |
Wgt_Combined | Multiplier Combined | ||
Wgt_SubSample | Multiplier Sub-sample | ||
Total variable(s):
53 |