India - Household Consumer Expenditure Type-1, July 2009 - June 2010, NSS 66th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-NSSO-66-SCHEDULE-1.0T1 |
Year | 2009 - 2010 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office,NSSO - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of Indis - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Identification of Sa
mple Household - Household Characteri
stics - Demographic and othe
r particulars of hou
sehold members - Consumption of cerea
ls, pulses, milk and
milk products, suga
r and salt during th
e last 30 days - Consumption of cloth
ing, bedding and foo
twear during last 30
and 365 days - Expenditure on educa
tion and medical (in
stitutional) goods a
nd services - Expenditure on misce
llaneous goods and s
ervices including me
dical (non-instituti
onal), rents and tax
es during the last 3
0 days - Expenditure for purc
hase and constructio
n (including repair
and maintenance) of
durable goods for do
mestic use - Summary of comsumer
Variable Groups
File: Expenditure on education and medical (institutional) goods and services
File: Expenditure on education and medical (institutional) goods and services
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 362098 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
011 | Mountainous | 3137 | 0.9% |
012 | Outer Hills | 1276 | 0.4% |
013 | Jhelam Valley | 7520 | 2.1% |
014 | Ladakh | 0 | 0.0% |
021 | Central | 3412 | 0.9% |
022 | Trans Himalayan & Southern | 3018 | 0.8% |
031 | Northern | 4639 | 1.3% |
032 | Southern | 6199 | 1.7% |
041 | Chandigarh | 1028 | 0.3% |
051 | Uttaranchal | 6303 | 1.7% |
061 | Eastern | 6704 | 1.9% |
062 | Western | 3787 | 1.0% |
071 | Delhi | 3029 | 0.8% |
081 | Western | 2615 | 0.7% |
082 | North-Eastern | 4939 | 1.4% |
083 | Southern | 1760 | 0.5% |
084 | South-Eastern | 2034 | 0.6% |
085 | Northern | 2902 | 0.8% |
091 | Northern Upper Ganga Plains | 4829 | 1.3% |
092 | Central | 4187 | 1.2% |
093 | Eastern | 11949 | 3.3% |
094 | Southern | 2627 | 0.7% |
095 | Southern Upper Ganga Plains | 7565 | 2.1% |
101 | Northern | 8403 | 2.3% |
102 | Central | 6184 | 1.7% |
111 | Sikkim | 2591 | 0.7% |
121 | Arunachal Pradesh | 6363 | 1.8% |
131 | Nagaland | 4797 | 1.3% |
141 | Plains | 10167 | 2.8% |
142 | Hills | 2994 | 0.8% |
151 | Mizoram | 6181 | 1.7% |
161 | Tripura | 7869 | 2.2% |
171 | Meghalaya | 6175 | 1.7% |
181 | Plains Eastern | 4477 | 1.2% |
182 | Plains Western | 4583 | 1.3% |
183 | Cachar Plain | 2138 | 0.6% |
184 | Central Brahmputra Plains | 3554 | 1.0% |
191 | Himalayan | 2320 | 0.6% |
192 | Eastern Plains | 6047 | 1.7% |
193 | Southern Plains | 6200 | 1.7% |
194 | Central Plains | 4844 | 1.3% |
195 | Western Plains | 3564 | 1.0% |
201 | Rachi Plateau | 4235 | 1.2% |
202 | Hazaribagh Plateau | 4835 | 1.3% |
211 | Coastal | 4423 | 1.2% |
212 | Southern | 3645 | 1.0% |
213 | Northern | 3379 | 0.9% |
221 | Northern Chattishgarh | 1134 | 0.3% |
222 | Mahanadi Basin | 5513 | 1.5% |
223 | Southern Chhattishgarh | 595 | 0.2% |
231 | Vindhya | 2890 | 0.8% |
232 | Central | 2348 | 0.6% |
233 | Malwa | 4771 | 1.3% |
234 | South | 2678 | 0.7% |
235 | South Western | 1927 | 0.5% |
236 | Northern | 2465 | 0.7% |
241 | South Eastern | 4548 | 1.3% |
242 | Plains Northern | 3340 | 0.9% |
243 | Dry areas | 686 | 0.2% |
244 | Kachchh | 322 | 0.1% |
245 | Saurashtra | 3317 | 0.9% |
251 | Daman & Diu | 450 | 0.1% |
261 | Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 460 | 0.1% |
271 | Coastal | 8008 | 2.2% |
272 | Inland Western | 8053 | 2.2% |
273 | Inland Northern | 3376 | 0.9% |
274 | Inland Central | 5341 | 1.5% |
275 | Inland Eastern | 5016 | 1.4% |
276 | Eastern | 1408 | 0.4% |
281 | Costal Northern | 3874 | 1.1% |
282 | Costal Southern | 3375 | 0.9% |
283 | Inland North Western | 5586 | 1.5% |
284 | Inland North Eastern | 3361 | 0.9% |
285 | Inland Southern | 3327 | 0.9% |
291 | Coastal & Ghats | 1154 | 0.3% |
292 | Inland Eastern | 1467 | 0.4% |
293 | Inland Southern | 4581 | 1.3% |
294 | Inland Northern | 5500 | 1.5% |
301 | Goa | 1820 | 0.5% |
311 | Lakshadweep | 593 | 0.2% |
321 | Northern | 8396 | 2.3% |
322 | Southern | 12314 | 3.4% |
331 | Coastal Northern | 6142 | 1.7% |
332 | Coastal | 3236 | 0.9% |
333 | Southern | 4815 | 1.3% |
334 | Inland | 4925 | 1.4% |
341 | Pondicherry | 1864 | 0.5% |
351 | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 1695 | 0.5% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.