India - Participation and Expenditure in Education, 2007-08, 64th Round
Reference ID | Schedule 25.2 |
Year | 2007 - 2008 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. Of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block-1 & 2 Iden
tification of sample
household - Block-3 Household ch
aracteristics - Block-4 Demographic
and other particular
s of household membe
rs - Block-5 Education pa
rticulars of those a
ged 5-29 years who a
re currently attendi
ng primary level and
above - Block-6 Particulars
of private expenditu
re for those aged 5-
29 yearts who are cu
rrently attending at
primary level and a
bove - Block-7 Particulars
of currently not att
ending persons aged
5-29 years
File: Block-6 Particulars of private expenditure for those aged 5-29 yearts who are currently attending at primary level and above
File: Block-6 Particulars of private expenditure for those aged 5-29 yearts who are currently attending at primary level and above
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-21500 | Valid cases: 19013 Invalid: 75392 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 21500 Mean: 1273.4 Standard deviation: 1649.1 |
Questions and instructions
Interviewer instructions
Expenditure on transport may vary from season to season. Further, during vacation expenditure on this item
may be nil. Considering these factors and on the basis of the actual expenditure incurred so far during the
academic year, the expenditure on this account for the entire academic year is to be estimated. The cost
incurred on purchasing bicycle, motorcycle, car etc., even if used predominantly for commuting to educational
institution, should not be covered under this item. However, the expenditure on running these vehicles such
as petrol, diesel, minor repair and maintenance, etc. should be included. If the vehicle is used for other
purposes also then, the entries should be made by apportioning the expenses for commuting to educational
may be nil. Considering these factors and on the basis of the actual expenditure incurred so far during the
academic year, the expenditure on this account for the entire academic year is to be estimated. The cost
incurred on purchasing bicycle, motorcycle, car etc., even if used predominantly for commuting to educational
institution, should not be covered under this item. However, the expenditure on running these vehicles such
as petrol, diesel, minor repair and maintenance, etc. should be included. If the vehicle is used for other
purposes also then, the entries should be made by apportioning the expenses for commuting to educational