India - Survey on Morbidity and Health Care January - June 2004, NSS 60th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SMHC-2004-v1.0 |
Year | 2004 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block-1-Iidentificat
ords - Block-3-socio-econom
ousehold-records - Block-4-Demographic-
records - Block-5-particulars-
of-deaths-records - Block-6-aged-persons
-records - Block-7-members-medi
ulkars-records - Block-8-part-1-treat
ys-members-records - Block-8-part-2-treat
ys-members-records - Block-8-part-3--re-i
cords - Block-8-part-4--tota
ousehold-ecords - Block-9- ailments-me
mbers- records - Block-10-part-1-trea
ys-members-records - Block-10-part-2--tre
ays-members-records - Block-10-part-3--tre
ays-members-records - Block-10-part-4--tre
sehold-records - Block-11-immunisatio
Days ill
File: Block-9- ailments-members- records
File: Block-9- ailments-members- records
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-15 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Interviewer instructions
Items 4, 5 and 6: Number of days within the reference period - ill, on restricted activity, confined to bed : These three items are meant for assessing severity of the ailment suffered during the reference period. Number of days of illness, confinement to bed and restricted activity owing to a spell of ailment represent different degrees of severity of the ailment. While recording the number of days confined to bed, the number of days in a hospital within the reference period will also be counted against item 6, i.e. confined to bed.
The number of days the member suffered from the particular spell of ailment during the reference period will be recorded against item 4. Ailment involving periodic check up will be treated as a single spell. The number of days on restricted activity will be recorded against item 5 and the number of days confined to bed against item 6. Days with illness would mean the duration for which the member felt that he/she feels sick. The terms "confined to bed" and "on restricted activity” are explained in paras 1.9.48 and 1.9.49. Clearly, the day's confinement to bed will also be counted as on restricted activity. Thus, the entry in item 5 will not be smaller than the entry in item 6. Similarly, the entry in item 4 will not be less than that in item 5. An exception to this will however be made for children below school going age and very old persons. For them, a cross 'x' mark will be put against item 5. For infants of age below 6 months, a cross 'x' mark will be put against item 6 as well.
The number of days the member suffered from the particular spell of ailment during the reference period will be recorded against item 4. Ailment involving periodic check up will be treated as a single spell. The number of days on restricted activity will be recorded against item 5 and the number of days confined to bed against item 6. Days with illness would mean the duration for which the member felt that he/she feels sick. The terms "confined to bed" and "on restricted activity” are explained in paras 1.9.48 and 1.9.49. Clearly, the day's confinement to bed will also be counted as on restricted activity. Thus, the entry in item 5 will not be smaller than the entry in item 6. Similarly, the entry in item 4 will not be less than that in item 5. An exception to this will however be made for children below school going age and very old persons. For them, a cross 'x' mark will be put against item 5. For infants of age below 6 months, a cross 'x' mark will be put against item 6 as well.