India - Debt & Investment, NSS 70th Round Visit-1: Jan - Dec 2013
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-70Rnd-Sch18pt2-Jan-Dec20131 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Visit 1_Block 1&
2_Identification of
sample household and
particulars of fiel
d operations - Visit 1_Block 3_Hous
ehold Characteristic
s - Visit 1 _Block 4_Dem
ographic and other p
articulars of househ
old members - Visit 1_Block 5_Ques
tions on land owned
partly or wholly by
the household - Visit 1_Block 5pt1_D
etails of land owned
by the household as
on 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 5pt2_D
etails of land owned
by the household as
on 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 6_Buil
dings and other cons
tructions owned by t
he household as on 3
0.06 - Visit 1_Block 7_Live
stock and poultry ow
ned by the household
on 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 8_Tran
sport equipment owne
d by the household o
n 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 9_Agri
cultural machinery a
nd implements owned
by the household on
30.06 - Visit 1_Block 10_Non
-farm business equip
ment owned by the ho
usehold as on 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 11_ Sh
ares and debentures
owned by the househo
ld in co-operative s
ocieties & compa
nies as on 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 12_Fin
ancial assets other
than shares and debe
ntures owned by the
household as on 30.0
6 - Visit 1_Block 13_Amo
unt receivable by th
e household against
different heads as o
n 30.06 - Visit 1_Block 14_par
ticulars of cash loa
ns payable by the ho
usehold to instituti
onal, non-institutio
nal agencies as on t
he date of survey an
d transactions of lo
ans during 01.07 - Visit 1_Block 15_kin
d loans payable by t
he household as on t
he date of survey - Visit 1_Block 16_Val
ue (`) of transactio
ns by the household
on specified items _
capital expenditure - Visit 1_Block 16_val
ue (`) of transactio
ns by the household
on specifed items_bo
Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Visit 1_Block 1&2_Identification of sample household and particulars of field operations | Identification particulars of the sample household and names of the Field Investigator/ ASO, FO/SO, their signatures, dates of survey/ inspection/scrutiny, despatch, etc. are recorded in block 1 and block 2. | 110800 | 41 |
Visit 1_Block 3_Household Characteristics | Household characteristics like household size, household type, religion, social group are recorded in this block. It also records whether member is having bank account, credit card etc. | 110800 | 40 |
Visit 1 _Block 4_Demographic and other particulars of household members | All sample household members are listed in this block. Demographic particulars, viz., relation to head, age, sex and general education, etc. are recorded for each member. | 519595 | 35 |
Visit 1_Block 5_Questions on land owned partly or wholly by the household | This block is used to keep information about various locations in which land owned by the household is situated (rural or urban, in the same village or town, in a different village or town, etc.). | 110756 | 31 |
Visit 1_Block 5pt1_Details of land owned by the household as on 30.06 | The actual details of land owned like area and value of each type of land, including the housesite and other residential areas, owned by the sample household on the reference date are recorded in Block 5.1. | 224215 | 31 |
Visit 1_Block 5pt2_Details of land owned by the household as on 30.06 | The actual details of land owned like area and value of each type of land, including the housesite and other residential areas, owned by the sample household on the reference date are recorded in Block 5.2. | 76109 | 31 |
Visit 1_Block 6_Buildings and other constructions owned by the household as on 30.06 | This block is present in the Visit 1 schedule only. It is meant for recording value of all owned buildings and constructions - whether complete or incomplete - on the reference date, as well as the approximate floor area. | 244786 | 30 |
Visit 1_Block 7_Livestock and poultry owned by the household on 30.06 | This block belongs to the Visit 1 schedule only. The main purpose being obtaining the value of livestock and poultry owned by the household as on 30.06.2012. Animals reared for breeding etc. are to be included but those transacted for trading purpose will be outside the coverage of this schedule. For cattle, and also for buffaloes, the number and value are to be broken up by age, sex and use into 8 categories each, making a total of 16 categories of cattle and buffaloes. Only 4 other categories are used for the remaining livestock and poultry: (a) other large heads, (b) ovine and other mammals, (c) poultry birds, and (d) others. | 176964 | 30 |
Visit 1_Block 8_Transport equipment owned by the household on 30.06 | This block appears in the Visit 1 schedule only. Any transport equipment owned by the household will be listed in this block, irrespective of the purpose for which it is used: farm, non-farm or household purpose. | 166455 | 31 |
Visit 1_Block 9_Agricultural machinery and implements owned by the household on 30.06 | This block appears in the Visit 1 schedule only. All agricultural machinery and implements, owned by the household, for own use or hired out, will be listed in this block. | 120466 | 29 |
Visit 1_Block 10_Non-farm business equipment owned by the household as on 30.06 | Block 10 lists thirteen categories of non-farm business equipment.However, only equipment wholly owned by the household and not shared by other household(s) are considered for this block. Equipment partly owned by the household and, in particular, equipment owned by a partnership involving members of more than one household will be excluded. | 85330 | 28 |
Visit 1_Block 11_ Shares and debentures owned by the household in co-operative societies & companies as on 30.06 | This block records stock of financial assets held on a reference date in the form of ownership of shares and debentures. The shares and debentures may be held in credit or non-credit cooperative societies, commercial banks, financial and non-financial companies, mutual funds including the Unit Trust of India, and similar institutions. | 7785 | 31 |
Visit 1_Block 12_Financial assets other than shares and debentures owned by the household as on 30.06 | This block is provided in the Visit 1 schedule for collecting information on financial assets. The financial assets to be considered here are the different types of certificates/securities issued by the government or banks, viz. National Savings Certificate (NSC), Indira Vikas Patra, Kisan Vikas Patra, RBI Bonds, and deposits in post office, cooperative banks, commercial banks, companies, insurance companies etc. Value of the assets as on the reference date is to be recorded in this block. | 366868 | 28 |
Visit 1_Block 13_Amount receivable by the household against different heads as on 30.06 | This block is provided in the Visit 1 schedule to collect information on amounts receivable by the household on the reference date on account of loans advanced by them in cash or in kind, and other amounts due to the household but remaining unpaid as on the reference date. | 13808 | 29 |
Visit 1_Block 14_particulars of cash loans payable by the household to institutional, non-institutional agencies as on the date of survey and transactions of loans during 01.07 | The details of cash loans payable by the household as on the date of survey and transactions of all loans will be recorded in this block both in the visit 1 & visit 2. The reference period for recording items of loan is of 01.07.2012 to the date of survey for visit 1 and 01.07.2013 to the date of survey for visit 2. | 183709 | 43 |
Visit 1_Block 15_kind loans payable by the household as on the date of survey | In this block, information in respect of all kind loans payable by the household is recorded. | 28632 | 31 |
Visit 1_Block 16_Value (`) of transactions by the household on specified items _capital expenditure | This block has been designed to record (a) capital expenditure in cash and or in kind that has been incurred for new purchase, constructions, additions, major repairs and alterations, improvement in addition to expenditure incurred on normal repairs and maintenance of physical assets, and (b) value of physical assets due to sale, discardment and loss during the reference period of July-December 2012 in Visit 1 and January -June 2013 in Visit 2. | 2054748 | 34 |
Visit 1_Block 16_value (`) of transactions by the household on specifed items_borrowings | The amount financed from borrowings is to be recorded in this block depending on whether the lending agency is an institutional or a non-institutional one. | 2054748 | 33 |