India - Survey of disabled persons, July 2002 - Dec 2002, NSS 58th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-58Rnd-Sch26-July2002-Dec2002 |
Year | 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Land possessed
File: Blocks 1,3_Household characteristics
File: Blocks 1,3_Household characteristics
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 2 Range: 0-91.06 | Valid cases: 70274 Invalid: 28 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 91.1 Mean: 0.6 Standard deviation: 1.7 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
How much land does the household possess?
Interviewer instructions
Item 5: land possessed (0.00 ha): The area of land possessed will include land 'owned', 'leased in' and 'land neither owned nor leased in' (i.e. encroached) by the household but exclude land 'leased out'. The total land area possessed by the household as on the date of survey will be worked out and recorded in hectares up to two places of decimal.