India - Employment and Unemployment Survey, July 1999 - June 2000, NSS 55th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-55Rnd-Sch10-and-10dot1-1999-2000 |
Year | 1999 - 2000 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block3-sch10--Househ
records - Block31-sch10-Indebt
households-Records - Block4-sch10-persons
on-records - Block51-sch10-Person
tivity-Records - Block52-sch10-Person
y-Records - Block53-sch10-Person
s - Block6-sch10-persons
k-Records - Block71-sch10-Person
ork-Records - Block72-sch10-Person
ords - Block8-sch10-Females
ords - Block4-sch10-and-10d
ot1-Records-combined - Block51-sch10-and-10
d - Block52-sch10-and-10
d - Block53-sch10-and-10
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block3-sch10--Household-Characteristics-records | The identification particulars of the sample household and household characteristics which are mainly intended to be used to classifying the households recorded in this blocks1to3 are the content of this dataset | 120578 | 31 |
Block31-sch10-Indebtedness-rural-labour-households-Records | The information on the extent of indebtedness of the rural labour households, i.e., those with household type code 2 or 3 against item 4 of block 3 of rural schedules which were captured in Block 3.1 are the contenst of this dataset. | 5993 | 43 |
Block4-sch10-persons-demographic-migration-records | Content of this dataset is pertaing to the data collected through Block 4 of the questionnaire regarding demographic particulars like sex, age, marital status etc. and particulars of migration for each member of the household | 596686 | 38 |
Block51-sch10-Persons-usual-principal-activity-Records | This dataset contains the usual principal activity particulars of each member of the household collected in block 5.1 . This will include information on industry-occupation of the working members and the particulars of the enterprises in which they are working. The particulars of usual activity were collected with reference to a period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 596686 | 39 |
Block52-sch10-Persons-subsidiary-activity-Records | This dataset pertains to the usual subsidiary economic activity particulars of each member of the household collected in block 5.2. Also included are the information on industry-occupation of the working members and the particulars of the enterprises in which they are working in subsidiary status. The particulars of usual activity are collected with reference to a period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 19228 | 37 |
Block53-sch10-Persons-daily-activity-time-disposition-Records | Content of this dataset are the time disposition recorded for every member in the household listed in block 4 for all the 7 days preceding the date of survey, the current weekly status based on the 7 days time disposition, wage and salary earnings during the week, etc. | 700932 | 36 |
Block6-sch10-persons-unemployed-7daysweek-Records | This dataset contains Information on persons who were found to be unemployed on all the seven days of the week preceding the date of survey. Data includes their past employment and the particulars of such employmen. Such persons were identified on the basis of the daily time disposition recorded in block 5.3, and ccode 1 in olumn (23) of block 5.3. | 9455 | 29 |
Block71-sch10-Persons-availability-for-work-Records | This dataset contains information on certain qualitative aspects of employment of those who are categorised as employed either in the principal (i.e. those with codes 11-51 in col. 3 of bl. 5.1)or subsidiary status (i.e codes 11-51 in col. 3 of bl. 5.2 under subsidiary activity status - I) | 227802 | 33 |
Block72-sch10-Persons-change-of-work-Records | Contents of this dataset are information on certain qualitative aspects of mobility - changes in occupation, industry, establishment, etc., for the employed in the principal status (i.e. with codes 11-51 in col. 3 of bl. 5.1)and membership in trade unions, nature of employment, etc. for the employed either in the principal or subsidiary status(i.e. with codes 11-51 in col. 3 of bl. 5.1 or 5.2). | 227802 | 36 |
Block8-sch10-Females-domestic-duties-Records | The pattern of activities carried out along with domestic chores of the women classified as engaged in domestic duties(i.e females with principal usual activity status codes 92 or 93 in col. 3 of bl. 5.1) are the contents of this dataset | 289078 | 45 |
Block4-sch10-and-10dot1-Records-combined | Content of this COMBINED dataset is pertaing to the data collected through Block 4 of the questionnaire 10 and10.1 ( Re-visit) regarding demographic particulars like sex, age, marital status etc. and particulars of migration for each member of the household. | 819011 | 38 |
Block51-sch10-and-10dot1-Records-combined | This COMBINED dataset contains the usual principal activity particulars of each member of the household collected in block 5.1 of Schedule 10 and 10.1(Re-visit) . This will include information on industry-occupation of the working members and the particulars of the enterprises in which they are working. The particulars of usual activity were collected with reference to a period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 819011 | 39 |
Block52-sch10-and-10dot1-Records-combined | This COMBINED dataset pertains to the usual subsidiary economic activity particulars of each member of the household collected through block 5.2 of schedule 10 and 10.1 (re-visit). Also included are the information on industry-occupation of the working members and the particulars of the enterprises in which they are working in subsidiary status. The particulars of usual activity are collected with reference to a period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 26207 | 37 |
Block53-sch10-and-10dot1-Records-combined | Content of this COMBINED dataset are the time disposition recorded for every member in the household listed in block 4 of schedule 10 and 10.1(re-visit) for all the 7 days preceding the date of survey, the current weekly status based on the 7 days time disposition, wage and salary earnings during the week, etc. | 960349 | 34 |