India - Household Consumer Expenditure,July 1994 - June 1995, NSS 51st Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-51Rnd-Sch1.0-1994 |
Year | 1994 - 1995 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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- Blocks 1,3_Household
Characteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
food and non-food i
tems - Block 5pt1_Monthly h
ousehold expenditure
on fuel and light - Block 6_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
clothing - Block 7_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
footwear - Block 8_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
miscellaneous goods
and services - Block 8pt1_Monthly h
ousehold expenditure
on education and me
dical goods and serv
ices - Block 9_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
durables - Block 10_Perception
of households regard
ing sufficiency of f
ood - Block 11pt1_Weekly h
ousehold expenditure
on ceremonies - Block 11pt2_Annual h
ousehold expenditure
on ceremonies
Variable Groups
General Education Code
File: Block 4_Person records
File: Block 4_Person records
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 253813 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Education level of the member of the household
Value | Category | Cases | |
01 | Not literate | 107162 | 42.2% |
02 | Literate without formal schooling | 5330 | 2.1% |
03 | Literate but below primary | 37815 | 14.9% |
04 | Primary | 36407 | 14.3% |
05 | Middle | 32359 | 12.7% |
06 | Secondary | 21523 | 8.5% |
07 | Graduate and above in : agriculture | 4693 | 1.8% |
08 | Graduate and above in : engineering/technology | 515 | 0.2% |
09 | Graduate and above in : medicine | 602 | 0.2% |
10 | Invalid | 285 | 0.1% |
99 | Graduate and above in : other subjects | 7122 | 2.8% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
For the purpose of making entries in this column, only the course successfully completed will be considered. For instance, for a person who has studied up to say, first year B.A., his/her educational attainment will be considered as only secondary (code 05). Also, For a person who has studied up to 12th standard but has not appeared for the final examination or has failed or even passed in the examination, his/ her educational attainment will be considered under 'secondary' and higher secondary'. The relevant codes to be used for recording entries in column (7) are :
description code
not literate ......................................... 01
literate without formal schooling .................... 02
literate but below primary ........................... 03
primary .............................................. 04
middle ............................................... 05
secondary ............................................ 06
higher secondary ..................................... 07
graduate and above in :
agriculture............................................ 08
engineering/technology ................................ 09
medicine .............................................. 10
other subjects ........................................ 99
A person who can both read and write a simple message in at least one in at least one language is to be considered
literate. Those who are not able to do so, are to be considered not literate and will be assigned code 01. Those who are literate but never attended any school, will be assigned code 02. Those who are by definition literate but are yet to pass a primary standard examination will get code 03. Similarly codes 04, 05, 06 and 07 will indicate the successive higher standards of examinations passed. A degree holder will get one of the codes 08 to 10 or 99 depending on the subject studied. For code 10, medical graduates belonging to systems of medicine other than allopathic, e.g., homeopathic, ayurvedic, etc. are also to be taken into consideration. Code 08 will also include graduates in 'forestry', 'fishery science', etc. If more than one of the codes 08 to 10 or 99 are relevant for a person the following procedure
will be adopted :
(i) when code 99 as well as one of the codes 07 to 09 are relevant code 99 will not be considered.
(ii) when more than one of the codes 07 to 09 are relevant, the code indicating the degree last obtained will be
Persons who have attained proficiency in Oriental languages (e.g. Sanskrit, Persian etc.) through formal but not the general type of education will be classified appropriately at the equivalent level of general education standard.
description code
not literate ......................................... 01
literate without formal schooling .................... 02
literate but below primary ........................... 03
primary .............................................. 04
middle ............................................... 05
secondary ............................................ 06
higher secondary ..................................... 07
graduate and above in :
agriculture............................................ 08
engineering/technology ................................ 09
medicine .............................................. 10
other subjects ........................................ 99
A person who can both read and write a simple message in at least one in at least one language is to be considered
literate. Those who are not able to do so, are to be considered not literate and will be assigned code 01. Those who are literate but never attended any school, will be assigned code 02. Those who are by definition literate but are yet to pass a primary standard examination will get code 03. Similarly codes 04, 05, 06 and 07 will indicate the successive higher standards of examinations passed. A degree holder will get one of the codes 08 to 10 or 99 depending on the subject studied. For code 10, medical graduates belonging to systems of medicine other than allopathic, e.g., homeopathic, ayurvedic, etc. are also to be taken into consideration. Code 08 will also include graduates in 'forestry', 'fishery science', etc. If more than one of the codes 08 to 10 or 99 are relevant for a person the following procedure
will be adopted :
(i) when code 99 as well as one of the codes 07 to 09 are relevant code 99 will not be considered.
(ii) when more than one of the codes 07 to 09 are relevant, the code indicating the degree last obtained will be
Persons who have attained proficiency in Oriental languages (e.g. Sanskrit, Persian etc.) through formal but not the general type of education will be classified appropriately at the equivalent level of general education standard.