India - Housing Condition and Migration Survey, January - June 1993, NSS 49th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-49Rnd-Sch1dot2-1993 |
Year | 1993 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block-3-Part-1-house
hold characteristics
records - Block-3-Part-2-Perso
ns--Particulars of p
ast members outside-
records - Block-4-Persons-Demo
graphic and migratio
n particulars-record
s - Block-5-Building and
environment particu
lars- Records - Block-6-Particulars
of dwelling-Records - Block-7-Particulars
of living facilities
-Records - Block-8-Part-1--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-8-Part-2--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-8-Part-3--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-9-Particulars
of dwelling-land own
ed elsewhere-Records - Block-10-Use of publ
ic distribution syst
em-Records - Block-11-General par
ticulars of slum dwe
Data Description
Data File: Block-3-Part-1-household characteristics records
Content | As Part-1 of block-3 (i.e.upto Q.11),this data set contains certain information pertaining to the household as a whole |
Cases | 119421 |
Variable(s) | 39 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Key_hhold (Key to locate Hhold) |
Producer | NSSO |
Notes | Weight (multiplier)variables are included in each record |
Name | Label | Question | |
Key_hhold | Key to locate Hhold | ||
Round_Schedule | Round-Schedule | ||
RecordID | Record Identifier | ||
Sample | Sample | Sample | |
Sub_Round | Sub-Round | Sub-Round | |
Sub_sample | Sub-sample | Sub-sample | |
Sector | Sector | Sector | |
State | State | State code | |
Region | Region | Region code | |
Stratum_No | Stratum No | Stratum No | |
Sub_stratum | Sub-stratum | Sub-stratum | |
FSU | Village/Block Sr. No.(FSU) | Village/Block Sr. No.(First Stage Unit) | |
Sub_block_No | Hamlet Group/Sub-block No. | Hamlet Group/Sub-block No. | |
Stage2stratum_No | Second-stage stratum no. | Second-stage stratum no. | |
Flot | Flot No. | Flot No. | |
Hhold_No | Sample Household no. | Sample Household no. | |
B1_q16 | Informant's relation to head | Informant `s relation to head | |
B1_q17 | Response Code | Response Code | |
B1_q18 | Survey Code | Survey Code | |
B1_q19 | Reason for substitution(code) | Reason for substitution of the original household | |
B3_q1 | Household Size | Household Size | |
B3_q2 | Land Possessed (Code) | Land Possessed (Code) | |
B3_q3 | Monthly Consumer Expenditure | Average monthly consumer expenditure (Rs) | |
B3_q4 | Social Group (Code) | Social Group (Code) | |
B3_q5 | No. of family nuclei | Number of family nuclei | |
B3_q6 | H.H. moved during 365 days | Whether the household moved to the village/town of enumeration during the last 365 days (yes-1, no-2) | |
B3_q7 | Location of last residence | Location of last residence ( code ) | |
B3_q8 | Nature of movement | Nature of movement (temporary : seasonal - 1, non-seasonal - 2, permanent - 3) | |
B3_q9 | Reason for movement (code) | Reason for movement (code) | |
B3_q10 | Type of structure (code) | Type of structure where household lived last (pucca-1, semi-pucca-2, serviceable katcha-3, non-serviceable katcha-4, no structura-5). | |
B3_q11 | Any former member stayed outside | Did any former member of the household leave the household for stay outside the state during the last 5 years ( yes : abroad-1, India-2, no : 3 ) | |
B3_q12 | No. of former members | If yes (code 1 or 2 ) in item 11, their No. of former members stayed outside | |
Fract_1 | Fractile(MPCE)-State | ||
Fract_2 | Fractile(MPCE)-All India | ||
Fract_3 | Fractile(Area)-State | ||
Fract_4 | Fractile(Area)-All India | ||
MPCE | Monthly per capita expenditure(0.00) | ||
Wgt_SS | Multiplier-Subsample(0.00) | ||
Wgt_Combined | Multiplier-Combined(0.00) | ||
Total variable(s):
39 |