India - Land and Livestock Holdings Survey: NSS 48th Round : January - December 1992:Visit-1
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-48Rnd-Sch18dot1-visit1-1992 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 16, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
Page views
- Block-1-5-visit-1-Ho
ics-Records - Block-6-visit-1-H08s
ds - Block-7-visit-1-part
iculars-of area owne
d-leassed-out record
s - Block-8-visit-1-Part
ed-records - Block-9-visit-1-Part
RIF-records - Block-10-visit-1-Gen
ARIF-records - Block-11-visit-1-Cat
usehold-records - Block-12-visit-1-Liv
-houshold-records - Block-13-visit-1-Agr
With irrigation facility
File: Block-7-visit-1-particulars-of area owned-leassed-out records
File: Block-7-visit-1-particulars-of area owned-leassed-out records
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Range: 0-227 | Valid cases: 50883 Invalid: 64580 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 227 Mean: 2.4 Standard deviation: 4.1 |
Questions and instructions
Interviewer instructions
Columns 8 to13 are meant for recording area of different types of land constituting the portion of the plot owned by the household. All the area figures to be recorded in these columns should be expressed in acres rounded off to two places of decimal. For each plot listed in the block, the portion of area owned by the household will be categorized under six types of land, viz. 'seasonal crop area with irrigation facilities', 'seasonal crop area without irrigation facilities', 'orchards' plantations & forests', 'water bodies', 'are put to other non-agricultural uses' and 'others'. For example, even if a piece of land, which is usually irrigated and is likely to be irrigated in the future, could not be irrigated during the last crop season, it will be treated as irrigated for this purpose. However, in case where the 'type' of a piece of land is reported to have changed in the recent past and the changed status is likely to continue in the future, the changed status will be considered to determine the type of land. For example, the area of a piece of land which is reported to have been converted from a seasonal crop area to an orchard in the recent part will be recorded under 'orchards' plantations and forest'. Similarly, 'current fallow' will always be treated as are under seasonal crops, while 'other fallows' will be so treated only if it is still considered as arable land by the respondent. It is to be specially noted that actually forested area under any legal enactment, area under farm-forestry and social forestry consisted in the portion of the plot owned by the household will be classified as 'orchards, plantations and forest'. Care should also be taken to ensure that the entries made in C (8) to (13) add up to the entry in C(7).