India - Land and Livestock Holdings Survey: NSS 48th Round : January - December 1992:Visit-1
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-48Rnd-Sch18dot1-visit1-1992 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 16, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
Page views
- Block-1-5-visit-1-Ho
ics-Records - Block-6-visit-1-H08s
ds - Block-7-visit-1-part
iculars-of area owne
d-leassed-out record
s - Block-8-visit-1-Part
ed-records - Block-9-visit-1-Part
RIF-records - Block-10-visit-1-Gen
ARIF-records - Block-11-visit-1-Cat
usehold-records - Block-12-visit-1-Liv
-houshold-records - Block-13-visit-1-Agr
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block-1-5-visit-1-Household-characteristics-Records | This dataset of visit-1 contained identification particulars of the sample household and information on some important household characteristics. | 53881 | 45 |
Block-6-visit-1-H08sehold-members-activity-particulars-records | This dataset contained Demographic particulars, viz. relation to head, age, sex, general education and usual activity particulars for every member, using one line for each. | 294605 | 27 |
Block-7-visit-1-particulars-of area owned-leassed-out records | This dataset contained an inventory of plots owned as on the date of survey by the normal members of the household. However, the area already accounted or as homestead land in item 6 of block 5 were not included here. | 115463 | 34 |
Block-8-visit-1-Particulars-area-leased-in-otherwise-possessed-records | Particulars of land leased in and land possessed but neither owned nor leased in (otherwise possessed) by the household as on the date of survey contained in this dataset. However, the area leased in/otherwise possessed land already accounted for as homestead land in item 6 of block 5 were not included here. | 12655 | 33 |
Block-9-visit-1-Particulars-of-plots-KHARIF-records | The particulars of plot wise holding operated by the household were contained in this dataset.The reference period was the kharif season of the agricultural year 1991-92. | 149183 | 45 |
Block-10-visit-1-General-information-operational-holdings-KHARIF-records | This dataset contained some general information on the operational holdings operated individually or jointly by the household.The information related to the holdings operated in KHARIF season of agricultural year 1991-92. | 33541 | 37 |
Block-11-visit-1-Cattle-buffalo-owned-household-records | The number of cattle and buffaloes owned by the household on the date of survey contained in this dataset | 30689 | 29 |
Block-12-visit-1-Livestock-poultry-owned-houshold-records | This dataset contained the number of different varieties of poultry and livestock, other than cattle and buffaloes, owned by the household on the date of survey. | 15482 | 34 |
Block-13-visit-1-Agricultural-Machinery-implements-owned-records | This dataset contained inventory of agricultural machinery and implements owned by the household on the date of survey. | 31809 | 37 |