India - Trade Survey: July-June 1990-91, Survey on Non-Directory Enterprises and Own Account Establishments : NSS 46th Round July-June 1990-91
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-TS-1990-91-v1.0 |
Year | 1990 - 1991 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO - Ministry of Statistics and Programe Implimentation, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics and Programe Implimentation, Government of India - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 16, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
1990-07-01 | 1991-06-30 | N/A |
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]
Data Collection Notes
At present, a team of two or three investigators along with one supervisor is deployed for fieldwork in each FSU. Data are collected by interviewing the owners of the enterprises or any other suitable respondents able to furnish the information. For enterprises run without fixed premises or within the household premises, data are collected by visiting the households of the owners of the enterprises. However, for enterprises run within fixed premises, data are collected from the site where the enterprise is located. If the enterprises maintain accounts (such cases being much less in number), data are collected as per the available accounts. Otherwise, information furnished by owners is recorded after proper probing in case figures furnished by the respondents appear doubtful.
To capture the seasonal variation, entire survey period of one-year duration is divided into four sub-rounds of three months' duration each. Equal number of sample villages and blocks is allocated to each sub-round. Each FSU is surveyed during the sub-round period to which it is allocated. Within a particular sub-round, the fieldwork is spread out uniformly over different months to the extent possible.
File name Record length No. of records Remarks
D142R TXT 142 13,81,004 Basic data with multiplier Rural
D142U TXT 142 15,74,976 Basic data with multiplier Urban
LAYDATA TXT Lay out of data
STCODES DOC List of state codes
SCHEDULE PDF Schedule (Questionnaire)
Note : (1) f.s.u. serial numbers assigned false numbers to disable identity of units.
(2) files are in ASCII formats and they are flat / line sequential.
Block 0: descriptive identification of sample enterprise/establishment
Block 1: Identification of sample enterprise/establishment
Block 2: Particu1ars of field operation
Block 3: Parifculars of trading enterprise
Block 4: Particulars of household information (For enterprises with code "1"and "2' in item 9 of Block 3)
Block 5: employment particulars during reference month
Block 6: Compensation of workers
Block 7: Stock, Sale and purchase during the reference period
Block 8: Purchase and sale prices of main commodity of five major commodity groups sold during reference months
Block 9: amount of working capital as on last day of reference period
Block 10: inventory of fixed assets owned and hired.
Block 11: disbursement account for reference month and refereuce year
Block 12: receipt account for reference month and refereuce year
Block 13: outstanmng loan including interest (in rupees)
Block 14: purchase and sale price of industrial wood and fuel wood sold during the reference month ending _________________
Note : In the data set these are identified by Level No.
Data Collectors
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation |
Field Office Division (NSSO) | FOD (NSSO) | Minstry of Statistics and PI, Govt. of India |
Field Office Division of NSSO, Ministry of Statistics and PI