India - Unorganised Manufacture,July 1989-June 1990, NSS 45th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-45-Rnd-Sch2.2.2-UM-1989-90 |
Year | 1989 - 1990 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO - Ministry of Statistics and PI, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 16, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block_1_3 Enterprise
Identification deta
ils - Block_4 Fixed Assets
- Block_5 Working Capi
tal - Block_6 Outstanding
loan - Block_7 Employment a
nd emoluments - Block_9 Raw material
s - Block_10 Fuels and o
ther Inputs - Block_11 Products an
d By-products - Block_12 Other recei
pts and GVA - Block_13 Agency and
purchase of raw mate
rials - Block_14 Agency and
disposal of products - Block_15 State Assis
tance - Block_16 Working acc
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block_9 Raw materials
Content | This file contains responses relating to questions from Block 9 quantity and value od raw materials consumed. For raw materials, quantity, value for month and year etc have been recorded here. Also included are the weight to be used at various levels. Note: Some data items such as Sector-2, sample-2 etc are generated and replicated in the data sets, Values in these data items are different but no explanation is available. |
Cases | 238480 |
Variable(s) | 39 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: FSU_No (Vill/block, Hamlet_No (Hemlet group/sub-block no.), Ent_type (Enterprise type), SMP_Ent_NO (Sample enterprise no), SR_NO (Item code/ |
Name | Label | Question | |
Filler_1 | Blank | ||
Flot | Flot no. | Flot no. | |
Rnd | Round/sch.type | Round/sch.type | |
FOD_Rgn | Fod sub-region | Fod sub-region | |
FSU_No | Vill/block | Vill/block | |
Hamlet_No | Hemlet group/sub-block no. | Hemlet group/sub-block no. | |
Ent_type | Enterprise type | Enterprise type | |
SMP_Ent_NO | Sample enterprise no | Sample enterprise no | |
Level | Level no | Level no | |
SR_NO | Item code/ | Item code/ | |
Type_cd | Type code | Type code | |
B9_C2 | Material code | Material code | |
B9_C3 | Unit | Unit | |
B9_C4 | Month:Rate per unit | Month:Rate per unit | |
B9_C5 | Month:Quantity(0.0) | Month:Quantity(0.0) | |
B9_C6 | Month:Value | Month:Value | |
B9_C7 | Year:Quantity(0.0) | Year:Quantity(0.0) | |
B9_C8 | Year:Value | Year:Value | |
Filler_2 | Blank | ||
Sample | Sample | Sample | |
SECTOR | sector | sector | |
ST_RGN | State-region | State-region | |
STRTUM | Stratum | Stratum | |
SUB_STRTM | Sub-stratum | Sub-stratum | |
SUB_SMP | Sub-sample | Sub-sample | |
SUB_RND | Sub-round | Sub-round | |
updt | Update code | ||
NIC | NIC | NIC | |
Sample_2 | Sample | Sample | |
sector_2 | Sector | Sector | |
ZSR | Zone-state-region (ZSR) | Zone-state-region (ZSR) | |
STRTM_2 | Stratum | Stratum | |
SUB_STRTM_2 | Sub-stratum | Sub-stratum | |
SUB_SMP_2 | Sub-sample | Sub-sample | |
REGN_KVIC | Registration code for KVIC | Registration code for KVIC ( code is 1) | |
REGN_IND | Registration code for other industries | Registration code for other industries ( code is 1) | |
WGT | Multiplier | Multiplier | |
INSTT_CD | Institutional code | Institutional code | |
OPN_CD | Nature of operation code | Nature of operation code | |
Total variable(s):
39 |