India - Annual Survey of Industries Summary 1985-86
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-SUMMARY-85-86 |
Year | 1986 - 1987 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - MOSPI, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 12, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
1986-07-01 | 1987-06-30 | N/A |
Data Collection Mode
Statutory return submitted by factories as well as Face to face
Data Collection Notes
ASI Schedule has two parts: Part-I and Part-II. Part-I of ASI schedule aims to collect data on assets and liabilities, employment and labour cost, receipts, expenses, input items - indigenous and imported, products and by-products, distributive expenses etc. Part-II of ASI schedule aims to collect data on different aspects of labour statistics, namely, working days, mandays worked, absenteeism, labour turnover, man-hours worked, earning and social security benefits.
General Remarks regarding filling up of ASI schedules
The ASI work involves a number of stages. There are some general procedural aspects.
A separate return for each registered factory/electricity supply undertaking should be submitted as a rule. In following this, the aspects to be taken note of are:
Unless ownership has changed during the reference year, only one return is to be compiled for one factory.
If a part of a registered factory has been operated by the owner and another part by the occupier the total manufacturing activities of both the owner and the occupier should be duly recorded in one return.
If the factory as a whole has been rented out, the return for the factory may be filled from the occupier's point of view.
If for a factory, which is served with notice, is found that its products are meant for training of inmates and has no sale value and are produced as a product during training, the facts may be reported to the Statistics Authority and data need not be collected This is normally applicable to Training Centers and Jails which are registered as factories. Further, workshop in jails registered under factories Act should be canvassed for ASI only when the products of the workshop are meant for sale. In case the products are not sold but are incidental to training to the convicts engaged at the workshop, such a workshop is outside the purviews of ASI.
Submission of Joint Returns
Although, as per rules for such registered unit of inquiry a separate return should be furnished, in special circumstances, where the accounts of two or more registered units cannot be bifurcated factory wise a joint return may be accepted in a particular ASI if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
They are located in the same State.
They belong to the Census Scheme i.e. 100 or more workers only.
They belong to the same industry at the ultimate NIC code level.
There will be no joint return in sample sector. Also there will be no joint return with Census and Sample. In such cases appropriate apportions should be done to avoid any complications in estimation different parameters. In census sector also appropriate apportions should be made if some changes occur in joint returns.
Annual Survey of Industries 1988-89 Questionnaire is divided into different blocks : (However only Summarised data is available for processing and analysis). The Summary Results are based on the information provided in the Summary block pf ASI survey schedule. Therefore, there is only on data file in ASI Summary 1988-89.
Record Layout of the merged file is provided.
Data Collectors
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation |
NSSO(Field Operation Division) | NSSO(FOD) | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation |
NSSO under the Ministry of Statistics and PI, Government of India is responsible for supervision of data collection.