India - Annual Survey of Industries 2009-10
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-2009-10-v1 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - Ministry of Statistics and PI, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 12, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
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Working Capital: Closing (Rs.)
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 13 Decimals: 0 Range: -165499000000-352446869723 | Valid cases: 556486 Invalid: 0 Minimum: -170766000000 Maximum: 407524543701 Mean: 97515483.4 Standard deviation: 1682012970.7 |
Working Capital is the sum total of the physical working capital as already defined above and the cash deposits in hand and at bank, land, the net balance of amounts receivable over amounts payable at the end of the accounting year. Amounts receivable include value of credit items on revenue account, such as sums due to the factory for goods sold, amounts advanced in connection with normal factory work, bills of exchange payable to the factory, payments made in advance such as for fire insurance, telephone charges, rates and taxes, call deposits and security deposits having a normal life of less than one year, etc. It excludes unused overdraft facility, fixed deposits irrespective of duration, advances for acquisition of fixed assets, long-term loans including interest thereon and investment.
Questions and instructions
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Working capital closing (Rs.)