- Land and Livestock Holding of Households and Situation Assessment of Agricultural Households)-JANUARY 2019 – DECEMBER 2019-Visit 1 and Visit 2 77th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-77Rnd-Sch33.1-January2019-December2019 |
Year | 0 |
Producer(s) | |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jun 27, 2022
Last modified
Jun 27, 2022
Page views
- Visit1 Level - 01 (B
lock 1) -identificat
ion of sample househ
old - Visit2 Level - 01 (B
lock 1) -identificat
ion of sample househ
old - Visit1 Level - 02 (B
lock 3) - demographi
c and other particul
ars of household mem
bers - Visit2 Level - 02 (B
lock 3) - demographi
c and other particul
ars of household mem
bers - Visit1 Level - 03 (B
lock 4) - demographi
c and other particul
ars of household mem
bers - Visit1 Level - 04 (B
lock 5) - particular
s of land of the hou
sehold and its opera
tion during the peri
od July- December 20
18 - Visit2 Level - 04 (B
lock 5) - particular
s of land of the hou
sehold and its opera
tion during the peri
od July- December 20
18 - Visit 1 Level - 05 (
Block 5) particulars
of land of the hous
ehold and its operat
ion during the perio
d July- December 201
8 - Visit 2 Level - 05 (
Block 5) particulars
of land of the hous
ehold and its operat
ion during the perio
d July- December 201
8 - Visit 1 Level - 06 (
Block 6) output of c
rops produced during
the period July - D
ecember 2018 - Visit 2 Level - 06 (
Block 6) output of c
rops produced during
the period July - D
ecember 2018 - Visit 1 Level 07 (Bl
ock 6) output of cro
ps produced during t
he period July - Dec
ember 2018 - Visit 2 Level 07 (Bl
ock 6) output of cro
ps produced during t
he period July - Dec
ember 2018 - Visit 1 Level 8 (Blo
ck 7) particulars of
input and other exp
enses for crop produ
ction from July - De
cember 2018 - Visit 2 Level 8 (Blo
ck 7) particulars of
input and other exp
enses for crop produ
ction from July - De
cember 2018 - Visit 1 Level 9 (Blo
ck 8) livestock, pou
ltry, duckery, etc.
owned by the househo
ld as on the date of
survey - Visit 1 Level 10 (Bl
ock 9) expenses and
other particulars of
input on farming of
animals during last
30 days - Visit 2 Level 10 (Bl
ock 9) expenses and
other particulars of
input on farming of
animals during last
30 days - Visit 1 Level 11 (Bl
ock 9) disposal of p
roduce and value of
output on farming of
animals during last
30 days - Visit 2 Level 11 (Bl
ock 9) disposal of p
roduce and value of
output on farming of
animals during last
30 days - Visit 1 Level 12 (Bl
ock 10) expenses and
other particulars o
f input on farming o
f animals during las
t 30 days - Visit 2 Level 12 (Bl
ock 10) expenses and
other particulars o
f input on farming o
f animals during las
t 30 days - Visit 1 Level 13 (Bl
ock 11) expenses and
receipts for non-fa
rm business during t
he last 30 days - Visit 2 Level 13 (Bl
ock 11) expenses and
receipts for non-fa
rm business during t
he last 30 days - Visit 1 Level 14 (Bl
ock 12) purchase and
sale of productive
assets during Januar
y - June 2019 - Visit 2 Level 14 (Bl
ock 12) purchase and
sale of productive
assets during Januar
y - June 2019 - Visit 1 Level 15 (Bl
ock 13) loans (cash
and kind) payable as
on the date of surv
ey - Visit 1 Level 16 (Bl
ock 14) awareness ab
out Minimum Support
Price (MSP) - Visit 2 Level 16 (Bl
ock 14) awareness ab
out Minimum Support
Price (MSP) - Visit 1 Level 17 (Bl
ock 15) access to te
chnical advice relat
ed to the agricultur
al activity undertoo
k by the household d
uring the period Jul
y - December 2018 - Visit 2 Level 17 (Bl
ock 15) access to te
chnical advice relat
ed to the agricultur
al activity undertoo
k by the household d
uring the period Jul
y - December 2018 - Visit 1 Level 18 (Bl
ock 16) particulars
of other aspects of
farming during the p
eriod July - Decembe
r 2018 - Visit 2 Level 18 (Bl
ock 16) particulars
of other aspects of
farming during the p
eriod July - Decembe
r 2018 - Visit 2 Level 19 (Bl
ock 5.1) particulars
of land of the hous
ehold and its operat
ion during the perio
d July 2018- June 20
19 - Visit 2 Level 20 (Bl
ock 5.1) particulars
of land of the hous
ehold and its operat
ion during the perio
d July 2018- June 20
from where procured (code)
File: Visit 2 Level 12 (Block 10) expenses and other particulars of input on farming of animals during last 30 days
File: Visit 2 Level 12 (Block 10) expenses and other particulars of input on farming of animals during last 30 days
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 65618 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
01 | local market (incl. local traders) | 23436 | 35.7% |
02 | APMC market | 84 | 0.1% |
03 | input dealers | 306 | 0.5% |
04 | cooperative | 390 | 0.6% |
05 | Government agencies | 1233 | 1.9% |
06 | Farmer producer organisations (FPO) | 16 | 0.0% |
07 | private processors | 1539 | 2.3% |
08 | contract farming sponsors/companies | 29 | 0.0% |
09 | others | 8181 | 12.5% |
10 | own farm | 30404 | 46.3% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.