India - Situation Assessment survey of Agricultural households, NSS 70th Round : Jan - Dec 2013 : Visit 2
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-70Rnd-Sch33-visit2-Jan-Dec2013 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Visit 2_Block 1&
2_identification of
sample household and
particulars of fiel
d operations - Visit 2_Block 4_demo
graphic and other pa
rticulars of househo
ld members - Visit 2_Block 5a_val
ue of output for the
crops produced duri
ng July to December - Visit 2_Block 5a_val
ue of output for the
crops produced duri
ng July to December - Visit 2_Block 5b_dis
position of crops pr
oduced during July t
o December 2012 - Visit 2_Block 5b_dis
position of crops pr
oduced during July t
o December 2012 - Visit 2_Block 6_ par
ticulars of inputs a
nd their expenses fo
r crop production du
ring July - Visit 2_Block 7_disp
osition of produce a
nd value of outputs
on farming of animal
s during last 30 day
s - Visit 2_Block 8_expe
nses and other parti
culars of input on f
arming of animals du
ring last 30 days - Visit 2_Block 9_expe
nses and value of ou
tputs for non-farm b
usiness during last
30 days - Visit 2_Block 10_pur
chase and sale of pr
oductive assets duri
ng July to December
2012 - Visit 2_Block 12_hou
sehold consumer expe
nditure (Rs - Visit 2_Block 13_awa
reness about Minimum
Support Price (MSP) - Visit 2_Block 14__ac
cess to technical ad
vice for any of the
crops listed in Bloc
k [5a] - Visit 2_Block 15_par
ticulars of other as
pects of farming dur
ing July to December
Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Visit 2_Block 1&2_identification of sample household and particulars of field operations | The first three blocks, viz. Blocks 0, 1 and 2, are used to record identification of sample households and particulars of field operations, as is the common practice in usual NSS rounds. | 34907 | 41 |
Visit 2_Block 4_demographic and other particulars of household members | Block 4 is for recording the demographic particulars and attendance in formal training on agriculture. Particulars of principal and subsidiary activity of the household member and earnings from wage and salary by the household members will also be collected in this block. | 187100 | 35 |
Visit 2_Block 5a_value of output for the crops produced during July to December | In Block 5a, particulars of crop production, land used, source of irrigation and value of products will be collected. This information will be collected separately from irrigated and un-irrigated land. | 75712 | 38 |
Visit 2_Block 5a_value of output for the crops produced during July to December | In Block 5a, particulars of crop production, land used, source of irrigation and value of products will be collected. This information will be collected separately from irrigated and un-irrigated land. | 75712 | 33 |
Visit 2_Block 5b_disposition of crops produced during July to December 2012 | In block 5b, details regarding disposal of crop will be collected. Quantity and value of disposal, level of satisfaction by the household over sale proceedings, agency to which crops sold will be collected in this block. | 36745 | 37 |
Visit 2_Block 5b_disposition of crops produced during July to December 2012 | In block 5b, details regarding disposal of crop will be collected. Quantity and value of disposal, level of satisfaction by the household over sale proceedings, agency to which crops sold will be collected in this block. | 36745 | 36 |
Visit 2_Block 6_ particulars of inputs and their expenses for crop production during July | Particulars of inputs and their expenses, procurement procedure, quality of input etc., for cultivation during the reference period will be collected in block 6. | 207384 | 32 |
Visit 2_Block 7_disposition of produce and value of outputs on farming of animals during last 30 days | Disposition of produce and value of production on farming of animals during last 30 days will be collected in block 7. | 52976 | 39 |
Visit 2_Block 8_expenses and other particulars of input on farming of animals during last 30 days | Expenses and other particulars of input on farming of animals during last 30 days will be collected in block 8. | 96949 | 31 |
Visit 2_Block 9_expenses and value of outputs for non-farm business during last 30 days | Expenses and receipts for non-farm business along with the description and NIC-2008 code of the activity during last 30 days will be collected in block 9. | 6622 | 31 |
Visit 2_Block 10_purchase and sale of productive assets during July to December 2012 | In block 10, expenditure incurred on purchase, major repair and income from sale of productive assets like land, building, machinery, etc., during the reference period both for farm business and for non-farm business will be collected. | 45602 | 31 |
Visit 2_Block 12_household consumer expenditure (Rs | Household consumer expenditure (Rs.) during last 30 days out of purchase, home produced stock, receipts in exchange of goods and services, gifts and loans and free collection will be collected in block 12. | 34907 | 32 |
Visit 2_Block 13_awareness about Minimum Support Price (MSP) | Block 13 will be used for recording the awareness of the household about Minimum Support Price (MSP). Information regarding procurement agency, whether sold to any such agencies, quantity sold, rate received etc. will be collected in this block. | 48091 | 35 |
Visit 2_Block 14__access to technical advice for any of the crops listed in Block [5a] | In block 14, access of the household to receive technical advice from KVK, extension worker, internet, NGO etc., will be collected. Information on adoption of advised technical knowledge, perception of the household regarding usefulness, impact will also be collected here. | 202393 | 34 |
Visit 2_Block 15_particulars of other aspects of farming during July to December 2012 | Detailed information regarding crop insurance, premium paid, crop loss/damage, reason thereof, amount claimed during the reference period will be collected in block 15. | 48012 | 37 |