India - Debt & Investment Visit 2 , Jan - Dec 2013, NSS 70th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-70Rnd-Sch18pt2-Jan-Dec2013V2 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Visit 2_Block 1&
2_Identification of
sample household and
particulars of fiel
d operations - Visit 2_Block 11_ tr
ansaction of shares
& debentures mad
e by the household i
n co operative socie
ties & companies
during 01.07.2012 t
o 30.06 - Visit 2_Block 14_par
ticulars of cash loa
ns payable by the ho
usehold to instituti
onal, non-institutio
nal agencies as on t
he date of survey an
d transactions of lo
ans during 01.07 - Visit 2_Block 15_kin
d loans payable by t
he household as on t
he date of survey - Visit 2_Block 16_Val
ue (`) of transactio
ns by the household
on specified items _
capital expenditure - Visit 2_Block 16_val
ue (`) of transactio
ns by the household
on specified items d
uring 01.01.2013 to
Variable Groups
Serial no
File: Visit 2_Block 16_Value (`) of transactions by the household on specified items _capital expenditure
File: Visit 2_Block 16_Value (`) of transactions by the household on specified items _capital expenditure
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 2025332 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
01 | residential land & buildings : Land | 108425 | 5.4% |
02 | residential land & buildings-Purchase : houses, buildings an | 108425 | 5.4% |
03 | residential land & buildings-Addition : houses, buildings an | 108425 | 5.4% |
04 | Farm business : land | 108425 | 5.4% |
05 | Farm business : land rights | 108425 | 5.4% |
06 | Farm business : barns & animals sheds | 108425 | 5.4% |
07 | Farm business : orchard & plantations | 108425 | 5.4% |
08 | Farm business : wells, bore-wells, tube-wells, field distrib | 108425 | 5.4% |
09 | Farm business : livestock: working/breeding cattle & buffalo | 108425 | 5.4% |
10 | Farm business : livestock: egg-laying ducks and hens | 108425 | 5.4% |
11 | agricultural machinery and implements | 108425 | 5.4% |
12 | transport equipment used for farm business | 108425 | 5.4% |
13 | others | 108425 | 5.4% |
14 | non-farm business : Land | 108425 | 5.4% |
15 | non-farm business : workplace, workshop/ manufacturing uni | 108425 | 5.4% |
16 | non-farm business : equipment & accessories | 108425 | 5.4% |
17 | transport equipment used for non farm business only | 108425 | 5.4% |
18 | Others | 108425 | 5.4% |
97 | Farm business : sub-total (items 1 to 10) | 34029 | 1.7% |
98 | sub-total (items 11 to 18) | 39653 | 2.0% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.