India - Drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and housing condition : NSS 69th Round : July 2012- Dec 2012
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-69Rnd-Sch1dot2-2012 |
Year | 2014 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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- Block - 1 Identifica
tion of sample house
hold - level 1 - Block - 3 Household
characteristics - le
vel 2 - Block - 3 Household
characteristics - le
vel 3 - Block - 4 Particular
s of living faciliti
es - drinking water,
bathroom, sanitatio
n etc - level 4 - Block - 5 housing ch
aracteristics and mi
cro environment - le
vel 5 - Block - 6 Pariculars
of the dwelling - l
evel 6 - Block - 7 some gener
al particulars of th
e households - level
7 - Block - 2 Particular
s of field operation
s - level 8
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block - 1 Identification of sample household - level 1 | The first three blocks, viz. Blocks 0, 1 and 2, are used to record identification of sample households and particulars of field operations, as is the common practice in usual NSS rounds. | 95548 | 29 |
Block - 3 Household characteristics - level 2 | Block 3 will be used for recording the household characteristics like household size, gender and age of the head of the household, highest level of education separately among the male and female members of the household, principal industry and occupation, religion, social group, household type, land possessed, tenurial status of dwelling, area type in which the dwelling unit is located, maximum distance to the place of work normally travelled by any earner of the household, monthly household consumer expenditure, amount spent and sources of finance for those households which have spent some amount on construction/first-hand purchase of houses/flats for residential purpose during last 365 days, etc. | 95548 | 42 |
Block - 3 Household characteristics - level 3 | Block 3 contains household characteristics (level 3) . | 95548 | 37 |
Block - 4 Particulars of living facilities - drinking water, bathroom, sanitation etc - level 4 | Block 4 will be used for recording the particulars of living facilities, such as principal source of drinking water, sufficiency of drinking water from principal source, facility of bathroom, access to bathroom, access to latrine, type of latrine, problems of flies/mosquitoes, specific types of illness of household members during last 30 days, availability of electricity for domestic use, etc. | 95548 | 75 |
Block - 5 housing characteristics and micro environment - level 5 | Particulars of housing characteristics and micro environment, such as plinth level, number of floors in the house, use of house, period since built, condition of structure, drainage system, household waste water disposal system, arrangement made for collection of garbage from house, etc., will be collected in Block 5. | 95505 | 41 |
Block - 6 Pariculars of the dwelling - level 6 | Block 6 is for collecting information on particulars of dwelling such as number of rooms, floor area of the dwelling, ventilation of the dwelling, total number of married couples in the household, number of married couples having separate room, kitchen type, floor type, wall type, roof type, monthly rent for hired accommodation, etc. | 95508 | 41 |
Block - 7 some general particulars of the households - level 7 | In Block 7 information will be collected on duration of stay of the household in the present village or present slum/squatter settlement/ other areas of the town. Besides, some particulars regarding movement of the household to the present village or present slum/squatter settlement/ other areas of the town during the last 365 days will also be collected. For the households residing in slum/squatter settlement, information will also be collected in Block 7 on ‘possession of documents by the head of the household that pertains to the residence status in the slum/squatter settlement’, ‘whether the household received any benefit as a slum/squatter settlement dweller’, ‘whether the household tried to move out of the slum/squatter settlement’, etc. | 95507 | 36 |
Block - 2 Particulars of field operations - level 8 | Block 2 is intended for recording particulars of field operation. | 95514 | 36 |