India - Household Consumer Expenditure, NSS 68th Round Sch1.0 Type 2 : July 2011 - June 2012, Type - 2
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-68Rnd-Sch2.0-July2011-June2012 |
Year | 2011 - 2012 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office,NSSO - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 25, 2019
Page views
- Identification of Sa
mple Household - Blo
ck 1 and 2 - Level1-
type2-68 Round - Household characteri
stics - Block 3 - Le
vel2 - type2 - 68 - Household characteri
stics - Block 3 - le
vel3 - type2 - 68 - Demographic and othe
r particulars of hou
sehold members - Blo
ck 4 - Level 4 - Typ
e 2 - 68 - Consumption of cerea
ls-pulses- milk and
milk products during
the last 30 days -
Block 5.1- 5 - Consumption of cloth
ing, bedding and foo
twear during last 36
5 days - Block 7 and
8 - Level 6 - Type
2 - 68 - Expenditure on Educa
tion and Medical (in
stitutional) goods a
nd services during t
he last 365 days - B
lock 9 - Level 7 - t
ype 2 - 68 - Expenditure on misce
llaneous goods and s
ervices including me
nal), rents and taxe
s during the last 30
days - Expenditure for purc
hase and constructio
n (including repair
and maintenance) of
durable goods for do
mestic use- Block 11
- Level 9 - Type 2
- 68 - Summary of Consumer
Expenditure - Block
12 - Level 11 - type
2 - 68 - Information on Ayurv
eda, Yoga, Naturopat
hy, Unani, Siddha, H
omeopathy(ASYUSH) -
Block 13 - Level 10
- type 2 - 68
Variable Groups
Item code
File: Consumption of clothing, bedding and footwear during last 365 days - Block 7 and 8 - Level 6 - Type 2 - 68
File: Consumption of clothing, bedding and footwear during last 365 days - Block 7 and 8 - Level 6 - Type 2 - 68
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 1493313 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
350 | dhoti(no.) | 19139 | 1.3% |
351 | saree(no.) | 73525 | 4.9% |
352 | cloth for shirt, pyjama,kurta, salwar, etc.(metre) | 66804 | 4.5% |
353 | cloth for coat, trousers, suit, etc.(metre) | 50232 | 3.4% |
354 | coat, jacket, sweater,windcheater(no.) | 33705 | 2.3% |
355 | shawl, chaddar(no.) | 25229 | 1.7% |
356 | school/college uniform : boys | 32362 | 2.2% |
357 | school/college uniform : girls | 27301 | 1.8% |
358 | kurta-pajama suits:males(no.) | 14049 | 0.9% |
360 | kurta-pajama suits:females(no.) | 20138 | 1.3% |
361 | kurta,kameez(no,) | 11683 | 0.8% |
362 | pajamas, salwar(no.) | 12363 | 0.8% |
363 | shirts, T-shirts(no.) | 77863 | 5.2% |
364 | shorts,trousers,bermudas(no.) | 57015 | 3.8% |
365 | frocks,skirts, etc.(no.) | 25695 | 1.7% |
366 | blouse,dupatta,scarf,muffler(no.) | 56105 | 3.8% |
367 | lungi(no.) | 48364 | 3.2% |
368 | other casual wear | 26674 | 1.8% |
370 | baniyan,socks,other hosiery and undergarments, etc.(no.) | 96568 | 6.5% |
371 | gamchha,towel, handkerchief(no.) | 83939 | 5.6% |
372 | infant clothing | 8821 | 0.6% |
373 | headwear,belts,ties(no.) | 17993 | 1.2% |
374 | knitting wool(gm) | 1471 | 0.1% |
375 | clothing(first-hand):other | 17861 | 1.2% |
376 | clothing : second-hand | 6543 | 0.4% |
379 | clothing : sub-total(350-376) | 101437 | 6.8% |
380 | bed sheet, bed cover(no.) | 47906 | 3.2% |
381 | rug,blanket(no.) | 16737 | 1.1% |
382 | pillow,quilt,mattress(no.) | 13239 | 0.9% |
383 | cloth for upholstery,curtains,tablecloth,etc.(metre) | 3208 | 0.2% |
384 | mosquito net(no.) | 8837 | 0.6% |
385 | bedding : others | 5033 | 0.3% |
389 | bedding, etc. : s.t(380-385) | 60507 | 4.1% |
390 | leather boots, shoes | 34839 | 2.3% |
391 | leather sandals,chappals etc. | 45075 | 3.0% |
392 | other leather footwear | 19264 | 1.3% |
393 | rubber/PVC footwear | 82269 | 5.5% |
394 | other footwear | 41866 | 2.8% |
395 | footwear : second-hand | 1164 | 0.1% |
399 | footwear : sub-total(390-395) | 100490 | 6.7% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.