India - Survey on Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) July-June 2010-11, NSS 67th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SUNAE-2010-v1.0 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 25, 2019
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Sampling Procedure
Outline of sample design: A stratified multi-stage design had been adopted for the 67th round survey. The first stage units (FSU) were the census villages (Panchayat wards in case of Kerala) in the rural sector and Urban Frame Survey (UFS) blocks in the urban sector. The ultimate stage units (USU) were enterprises in both the sectors. In case of large FSUs, one intermediate stage of sampling was done by the selection of three hamlet-groups (hgs)/ sub-blocks (sbs) from each large rural/ urban FSU.
Sampling frame: Census 2001 list of villages were used as the sampling frame for rural areas. Auxiliary information such as number of enterprises, number of workers, type of enterprises, activities of enterprises, etc. available from EC-2005 frame were used for stratification, sub-stratification and selection of enterprises. In Kerala, list of panchayat wards as per Census 2001 were used as frame since list of such wards is not available as per EC 2005 frame. In the urban sector, EC-2005 frame was used for 26 cities with population more than a million as per census 2001. Although Mumbai is a million plus city, EC-2005 frame was not used for Mumbai because of identification problem for IV unit/blocks in the EC for the city. For other cities/towns (including Mumbai), UFS frame (2002-07 phase or latest available phase prior to 2002-07 if it was not available) was used.
Total Sample size (FSUs): A sample of 16000 FSUs for central sample and 18248 FSUs for state sample have been allocated at all-India level.
The Detail of sample design and estimation procedure used for the survey is attached as a document in external resources "Note on Sample Design and Estimation Procedure of NSS 67th Round" .
Deviations from Sample Design
There was no deviation from the original sample deviation.
Response Rate
Out of the total number of 16000 FSUs (8380 villages and 7620 urban blocks) allotted for the central sample, 15898 FSUs (8296 villages and 7602 urban blocks) could be surveyed at the all-India level for canvassing Schedule 2.34. The total number of enterprises surveyed was 334474 (162375 in rural areas and 172099 in urban areas).
For generating any estimate, one has to extract relevant portion of the data, and aggregate after applying the weights.
Weights (or multipliers) VARIABLES are given at the end of record of each dataset. The weights (multipliers) are
WGT_SS for Sub-sample-wise estimation and WGT_Combined for combined subsample estimates.
All records of an enterprise will have same weight figure. In case of those Blocks/Levels, where Item/Person Sl.No. is not applicable the field is filled up with 00000.