India - Domestic Tourism Survey, July 2008 - June 2009, NSS 65th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-DTS-2008-v1 |
Year | 2008 - 2009 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,2_Identific
ation of sample hous
ehold & particul
ars of field operati
ons - Block 3_Household ch
aracteristics - Block 4_Demographic
and other particular
s of household membe
rs - Block 5pt1_Particula
rs of overnight trip
s during last 30 day
s - Block 5pt2_Particula
rs of same-day trips
during last 30 days - Block 6pt1_Particula
rs of accomodation e
xpenditure on overni
ght trips during las
t 30 days - Block 6pt1_Particula
rs of food & dri
nk and transport exp
enditure on overnigh
t trips during last
30 days - Block 6pt1_Particula
rs of shopping expen
diture on overnight
trips during last 30
days - Block 6pt1_Particula
rs of recreational e
tc - Block 6pt1_Particula
rs of other expendit
ure on overnight tri
ps during last 30 da
ys - Block 6pt2_Particula
rs of accomodation e
xpenditure on same-d
ay trips during last
30 days - Block 6pt2_Particula
rs of food & dri
nk and transport exp
enditure on same-day
trips during last 3
0 days - Block 6pt2_Particula
rs of shopping expen
diture on same-day t
rips during last 30
days - Block 6pt2_Particula
rs of recreational e
tc - Block 6pt2_Particula
rs of other expendit
ure on same-day trip
s during last 30 day
Variable Groups
Purchase (Rs.)
File: Block 3_Household characteristics
File: Block 3_Household characteristics
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-503400 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
How much did the household spend on purchases during the last 30 days?
The following points are to be kept in mind:
Ø Here 'purchase' includes not only purchases of goods but also cash payments for 'purchase' of services such as transport, education, medical, rent, electricity and telephone.
Ø For food, pan, tobacco, intoxicants, fuel, clothing and footwear, items gifted to non-household members (except cooked meals) are to be excluded and excess purchases (of foodgrains, etc.) not consumed during the reference period are also to be excluded. Consumption during the last 30 days out of purchases made more than 30 days ago is to be added.
Ø Instalment payments for household durables are to be included, as well as repairs and construction expenditure of household durables, and expenditure on repair and maintenance of dwelling unit.
Ø Any expenditure incurred towards purchase of immovable property like land, building, etc. will be excluded.
Ø Also, for households having an enterprise, any amount spent for enterprise purposes will be excluded; for households owning livestock, any amount spent on food consumed by livestock will be excluded; for cultivator households, any farm expenditure will be excluded.
Ø Here 'purchase' includes not only purchases of goods but also cash payments for 'purchase' of services such as transport, education, medical, rent, electricity and telephone.
Ø For food, pan, tobacco, intoxicants, fuel, clothing and footwear, items gifted to non-household members (except cooked meals) are to be excluded and excess purchases (of foodgrains, etc.) not consumed during the reference period are also to be excluded. Consumption during the last 30 days out of purchases made more than 30 days ago is to be added.
Ø Instalment payments for household durables are to be included, as well as repairs and construction expenditure of household durables, and expenditure on repair and maintenance of dwelling unit.
Ø Any expenditure incurred towards purchase of immovable property like land, building, etc. will be excluded.
Ø Also, for households having an enterprise, any amount spent for enterprise purposes will be excluded; for households owning livestock, any amount spent on food consumed by livestock will be excluded; for cultivator households, any farm expenditure will be excluded.