India - Service Sector in India 2006-07, NSS 63rd round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SSI-2006-v1.0 |
Year | 2006 - 2007 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implimentation, Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and Program Implimentation - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Total no. of EFPs with same activity
File: bk_2_1
File: bk_2_1
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Range: 1-400 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Items 209 to 216 will be recorded if the enterprise is of proprietary or partnership one, i.e., if code in item 208 is any one of the codes 1 to 4. For other enterprises, put '-' in each of items 209 to 216.
Item 216: Total no. of EFPs of the working owner with same activity (same as item 202 at 2-digit level): If the owner runs separate enterprises with same activity (same at 2-digit NIC level with respect to the activity of the surveyed enterprise) then the total number of enterprises will be entered against this item. For example, if a doctor practices at 4 clinics or maintains 4 different chambers, then as per current listing instruction, it is 4 different EFPs (enterprises with fixed premises) and NIC code at 2-digit level of all of them is 85,t to the activity of the surveyed enterprisermining major try in i. Here, entry in item 216 will be 4.
It may be noted that if a person carries out her/his activities without fixed premises (like street vendor, mobile market, etc.) then the activity is listed at her/his residence and during detailed enquiry, data is collected from the person considering his entire activity in all the locations. For such enterprises, entry in items 215 and 216 will be 1. On the other hand, persons like doctors, lawyers, CA's, etc. carrying out sophisticated activities do them from more than one fixed premises, each of which is listed as a separate enterprise, resulting in over-counting of workers. Items 215 and 216 are aimed to check this over-counting.
It may be noted that if a person carries out her/his activities without fixed premises (like street vendor, mobile market, etc.) then the activity is listed at her/his residence and during detailed enquiry, data is collected from the person considering his entire activity in all the locations. For such enterprises, entry in items 215 and 216 will be 1. On the other hand, persons like doctors, lawyers, CA's, etc. carrying out sophisticated activities do them from more than one fixed premises, each of which is listed as a separate enterprise, resulting in over-counting of workers. Items 215 and 216 are aimed to check this over-counting.