India - Annual Survey of Industries 1998-99
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-1998-99-v1 |
Year | 1999 - 2000 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - MOSPI, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 08, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
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Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
A-IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS | Block - A- Identification Particulars : The file contains the Identification variables of Factory. It also contains the weighting Multiplier - WGT. Variables under this blocks are: YR, DSL common in all the blocks. DSL is Primary key and may be used for relation. Other Identification variables are Scheme, State code, NIC 5 digit, District and Sector. Variables representing Number of Factories A_Itm11, Status of factory A_Itm12, Total Number of working days and Total cost of production posted from Block E | 25332 | 14 |
B-OWNER'S DETAIL | Block - B Owner's Detail : The file contains the Factory details for : YR, DSL Type of organisation, Type of ownership, Total number of units, Original value of Investment in P & M (codes), Year of initial production, Accounting year (From) and (To), Months of operation (0 to 12 months). | 25271 | 10 |
C-FIXED ASSETS | Blocks C: fixed assets: Fixed assets are those, which have generally normal productive life of more than one year; it covers all type of assets, new or used or own constructed, deployed for productions, transportation, living or recreational facilities, hospitals, schools, etc. for factory personnel; it would include land, building, plant and machinery, transport equipment, etc.; it includes the fixed assets of the head office allocable to the factory and also the full value of assets taken on hire-purchase basis (whether fully paid or not) excluding interest element; it excludes intangible assets and assets solely used for post-manufacturing activities such as, sale, storage, distribution, etc. FIXED ASSETS (Block-C) Columnwise relationship (please refer schedule) may not hold true for data in this block. This is because of the lack of information available from the factory owners. | 162951 | 15 |
D-WORKING CAPITALS & LOANS | Block D: working capital and loans: This is defined to include all physical inventories owned, held or controlled by the factory as on the closing day of the accounting year such as the materials, fuels and lubricants, stores, etc. that enter into products manufactured by the factory itself or supplied by the factory to others for processing. Physical working capital also includes the value of stock of materials, fuels and stores, etc. purchased expressly for re-sale, semi-finished goods and goodsin- process on account of others and goods made by the factory which are ready for sale at the end of the accounting year. However, it does not include the stock of the materials, fuels, stores, etc. supplied by others to the factory for processing. Finished goods processed by others from raw materials supplied by the factory and held by them are included and finished goods processed by the factory from raw materials supplied by others, are excluded. Outstanding loans represent all loans, whether short-term or long-term, whether interest bearing or not, outstanding according to the books of the factory as on the closing day of accounting year. Fields are : Year, DSL, Opening and closing amount in Rs. for S. No. representing various items such as Raw materials, Fuels & lubricants etc. | 319847 | 6 |
E-EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR COST | Block E - Employment and Labour cost : Information collected in this block was regarding employment and labour cost. In this block emoluments of the employees was collected. Emoluments were defined as wages paid to all employees plus imputed value of benefits in kind, i.e., the net cost to the employers on those goods and services provided to employees free of charge or at markedly reduced cost which are clearly and primarily of benefit to the employees as consumers. It includes profit sharing, festival and other bonuses and ex-gratia payments paid at less frequent intervals (i.e. other than bonus paid more or less regularly for each period). Benefits in kind include supplies or services rendered such as housing, medical, education and recreation facilities. Personal insurance, income tax, house rent allowance, conveyance, etc. for payment by the factory also is included in the emoluments. The variables are : YR, DSL Item No. represinting category of staff- male workers, female workes, child workers, workers employed through contractors, supervisory & managerial staff, other employees. Mandays worked, Mandays (non-manufacturing), Average number of persons worked, No. of mandays paid for, Wages/salaries, Bonus, Contribution to Provident & other funds and Workman & welfare expenses. The information in this block is also used by Labour Bureau. Central Statistics Office (ISW), Kolkata supplies the information of this block to Labour Bureau directly. EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR COST (Block-E) It has been found that a larger number of factory owners were unable to provide detailed break-up of information regarding provident fund (Block-E, Col.7). Instead they provide total provident fund as a whole for all employees (Block-E, Srl. No. 7, Col.7). Users are requested to use Srl.9, Col.7 for information on provident fund. The total of srl.6 to 8 for Col.7 may not tally with srl.9, col.7. | 144769 | 9 |
F-OTHER EXPENSES | Block - F : Other Expenses : (All the items are Expenditure incurred in Rs.) This block includes the cost of other inputs as both the industrial and non-industrial service rendered by others, which were paid by the factory and most of which were reflected in the ex-factory value of its production during the accounting year. Variables in this block were: YR, DSL Expenditure ( in Rs.) against the following items were recorded : Work done by others, Repair & maintenance of building, Repair & maintenance of Plant & machinery, Other fixed assets, Operating expenses, Non-operating expenses, Insurance charges, Rent paid for buildings, P & M and other fixed assets, Rent paid for land on lease or royalties on mines, quarries and similar assets, Interest paid, Purchase value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased. Purchase value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased | 24706 | 15 |
G- OTHER OUTPUT or RECEIPT | Block - G : Other Outputs/Receipts (Incomes) : The file contains Other OUTPUT/RECEIPTS Detail ( All items are Receipts in Rs.) : In this block, information on other output/receipts was reported. Fields were : YR, DSL Receipts in ( Rs.) were recorded against the following items : Income from services, variation in stock of semi-finished goods, Value of elctricity generated and sold, Value of own construction, Net balance of goods sold in the same condition as purchased, Total receipts, sale value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased. | 24744 | 10 |
H- INPUT ITEMS (INDIGENOUS) | Block - H Input Items Indigenous : This block covers all the goods (raw materials, components, chemicals, packing material, etc.) which entered into the production process of the factory during the accounting year. The file contains Input Items - Indigenous items consumed : YR, DSL Item code (ASICC), Unit of quantity (code), Quantity consumed Purchase value (in Rs.) ASICC codes in Block H, I & J Because of the proximity of various item's description, it is possible that same ASICC code may appear against multiple records in these blocks.\ They should not be treated as duplicates. They are clubbed together at the time of tabulation to provide information at ASICC level. | 239366 | 7 |
I-INPUT ITEMS IMPORTED | Block - I - Input Items Imported : Details of imported input items consumed - directly only : Information in this block were reported for all imported items consumed. The items were imported by the factory directly. Variables are for : YR, DSL Item serial number represents major five imported items and other items imported, Total imports ( consumed), Item code (ASICC code), Unit of quantity, Quantity consumed, Purchase value at delivery (Rs.) ASICC codes in Block H, I & J Because of the proximity of various item's description, it is possible that same ASICC code may appear against multiple records in these blocks.\ They should not be treated as duplicates. They are clubbed together at the time of tabulation to provide information at ASICC level. | 12570 | 7 |
J-PRODUCTS AND BY-PRODUCTS | Block - J Products and By-products : Products and By-Products (Manufactured by the unit) detail : It includes information on all goods that had been produced by the factory during the accounting year for sale, i.e., either actually sold during the accounting year or entered into stocks. Calculation of gross value added of the enterprise was done from here. In this block, information like quantity manufactured, quantity sold, gross sale value, excise duty, sales tax paid and other distributive expenses, per unit net sale value and ex-factory value of output was furnished by the factory item by item. If the distributive expenses were not available product-wise, the details might be given on the basis of reasonable estimation. Variables in this block are: YR, DSL Serial number represents products/by-products for first ten major items as per value - no brand name, Item code (ASICC code), Unit of quantity, Quantity manufactured, Quantity sold, Gross sale value (Rs.), Exice duty, Sales tax, Other expenses , Total Per unit net sale value (Rs.), Ex-factory value (Rs.) ASICC codes in Block H, I & J Because of the proximity of various item's description, it is possible that same ASICC code may appear against multiple records in these blocks.\ They should not be treated as duplicates. They are clubbed together at the time of tabulation to provide information at ASICC level. | 67851 | 14 |