India - Employment and Unemployment, July 2004 - June 2005, NSS 61st Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-61-12-2011 |
Year | 2004 - 2005 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 25, 2019
Page views
Land possessed
File: Block_1_2_and_3_level_01
File: Block_1_2_and_3_level_01
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-1619500 | Valid cases: 121102 Invalid: 3578 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1619500 Mean: 721.1 Standard deviation: 5026.4 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
land possessed as on the date of survey
(0.000 hectares)
(0.000 hectares)
Interviewer instructions
Land possessed is given by land owned (including land under 'owner like possession') + land leased in - land leased out + land held by the household but neither owned nor leased in (e.g., encroached land). The land area possessed by the household as on the date of survey will be recorded in hectares in three places of decimal. Separate provision has been kept for recording integral and decimal parts. For 'nil' entry a dash (-) may be recorded here.