India - Common Property Resources and Village Facilities, January - June 1998, NSS 54th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-CPRVF-1998-v01 |
Year | 1998 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,3_Identific
ation of sample vill
age & availabili
ty of various facili
ties - Block 2_Particulars
of field operations - Block 4_Common villa
ge land and conventi
onal right of use - Block 4_Forest withi
n the village and ri
ght of use - Block 5_Particulars
of common water reso
urces in the village - Block 6_Particulars
of collection from f
orest and other comm
on village land
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block 6_Particulars of collection from forest and other common village land
Content | This data set contains information on particulars of collection from forest and other common village land. |
Cases | 0 |
Variable(s) | 55 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: FSU_srl_no (Primary key - unique identifier for a village) |
Name | Label | Question | |
FSU_srl_no | Primary key - unique identifier for a village | ||
Record_No | Record Number | ||
Round_Schedule | Round Schedule | ||
State_Region | State-Region | ||
State | State | ||
Sub_sample | Sub sample | ||
Sub_round | Sub round | ||
sector | sector | ||
district_code | district code | ||
stratum | stratum | ||
sub_stratum | sub-stratum | ||
Flot_Number | Flot Number | ||
Level | Level | ||
B6_q1_1 | timber from common | Does the household collect timber from common village land? | |
B6_q1_2 | timber from forest | Does the household collect timber from forest? | |
B6_q2_1 | fuelwood from common | Does the household collect fuelwood from common village land? | |
B6_q2_2 | fuelwood from forest | Does the household collect fuelwood from forest? | |
B6_q3_1 | bamboo/cane/reeds from common | Does the household collect bamboo/cane/reeds from common village land? | |
B6_q3_2 | bamboo/cane/reeds from forest | Does the household collect bamboo/cane/reeds from forest? | |
B6_q4_1 | medicinal plant from common | Does the household collect medicinal plant from common village land? | |
B6_q4_2 | medicinal plant from forest | Does the household collect medicinal plant from forest? | |
B6_q5_1 | kendu leaves from common | Does the household collect kendu leaves from common village land? | |
B6_q5_2 | kendu leaves from forest | Does the household collect kendu leaves from forest? | |
B6_q6_1 | other leaves from common | Does the household collect other leaves from common village land? | |
B6_q6_2 | other leaves from forest | Does the household collect other leaves from forest? | |
B6_q7_1 | thatching material from common | Does the household collect thatching material from common village land? | |
B6_q7_2 | thatching material from forest | Does the household collect thatching material from forest? | |
B6_q8_1 | fodder from common | Does the household collect fodder from common village land? | |
B6_q8_2 | fodder from forest | Does the household collect fodder from forest? | |
B6_q9_1 | edible oilseeds from common | Does the household collect edible oilseeds from common village land? | |
B6_q9_2 | edible oilseeds from forest | Does the household collect edible oilseeds from forest? | |
B6_q10_1 | fruits from common | Does the household collect fruits from common village land? | |
B6_q10_2 | fruits from forest | Does the household collect fruits from forest? | |
B6_q11_1 | other edible products from common | Does the household collect other edible products from common village land? | |
B6_q11_2 | other edible products from forest | Does the household collect other edible products from forest? | |
B6_q12_1 | lac from common | Does the household collect lac from common village land? | |
B6_q12_2 | lac from forest | Does the household collect lac from forest? | |
B6_q13_1 | gums & resins from common | Does the household collect gums & resins from common village land? | |
B6_q13_2 | gums & resins from forest | Does the household collect gums & resins from forest? | |
B6_q14_1 | non-edible oilseeds from common | Does the household collect non-edible oilseeds from common village land? | |
B6_q14_2 | non-edible oilseeds from forest | Does the household collect non-edible oilseeds from forest? | |
B6_q15_1 | fibres & flosses from common | Does the household collect fibres & flosses from common village land? | |
B6_q15_2 | fibres & flosses from forest | Does the household collect fibres & flosses from forest? | |
B6_q16_1 | tans & dyes from common | Does the household collect tans & dyes from common village land? | |
B6_q16_2 | tans & dyes from forest | Does the household collect tans & dyes from forest? | |
B6_q17_1 | honey from common | Does the household collect honey from common village land? | |
B6_q17_2 | honey from forest | Does the household collect honey from forest? | |
B6_q18_1 | bee-wax from common | Does the household collect bee-wax from common village land? | |
B6_q18_2 | bee-wax from forest | Does the household collect bee-wax from forest? | |
B6_q19_1 | animals & birds from common | Does the household collect animals & birds from common village land? | |
B6_q19_2 | animals & birds from forest | Does the household collect animals & birds from forest? | |
B6_q20_1 | fish from common | Does the household collect fish from common village land? | |
B6_q20_2 | fish from forest | Does the household collect fish from forest? | |
B6_q21_1 | kattha from common | Does the household collect kattha from common village land? | |
B6_q21_2 | kattha from forest | Does the household collect kattha from forest? | |
Total variable(s):
55 |