India - Participation in Education, July 1995 - July 1996, NSS 52nd Round
Reference ID | IND-MOSPI-NSSO-NSS-52-25.2-1995-V2. |
Year | 1995 - 1996 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. Of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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- BLOCK 1 & 2 Iden
tification & hou
sehold particulars - BLOCK 3 Demographic
particulars of all p
ersons - BLOCK 4 Education pa
rticulars... - BLOCK 5 Particulars
of private expenditu
re - BLOCK 6 Particulars
of expenditure on de
pendants - BLOCK 7 Particulars
of currently not att
ending persons... - WORKSHEET for househ
old consumer expendi
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
BLOCK 1 & 2 Identification & household particulars | Identification particulars of sample household : In these two blocks the identification particulars of the sample households are to be recorded. As the contents of these blocks are the same as in other schedules, the instructions for filling up these two blocks are the same as those for blocks 0 and 1 of schedule 25.0 and they may be referred. | 72883 | 35 |
BLOCK 3 Demographic particulars of all persons | Demographic particulars of all persons in the household : Used to record the demographic details of the members of the household like relation to head, age, sex, literacy, education level, status of current enrollment/and attendance. | 371608 | 31 |
BLOCK 4 Education particulars... | education particulars for currently attending in primary & post-primary ( for persons in 5-24 years age group) : In this block particulars of the course which the person is attending and the extent of benefits being received will be recorded. Also an attempt will be made to collect the nature and type of the institution imparting the education as also the medium of education followed. The coverage of this block will be limited to person in the age group 5 years and above and below 25 years and are currently attending. | 92311 | 48 |
BLOCK 5 Particulars of private expenditure | Particulars of private expenditure of currently attending at primary and post primary (for persons in the 5-24 years age group) : This block is meant to record all the expenditures incurred and/or to be incurred during the current academic year by the student member. The amount will be recorded in nearest rupees. Obviously some imputation will have to be made for the portion of the academic year left on the date of survey on an objective basis. | 92311 | 38 |
BLOCK 6 Particulars of expenditure on dependants | Particulars of expenditure on dependents studying away from home : This block is meant to take into account the expenditure made by the household towards meeting the needs of dependents studying away from home. Whenever a household reports any such expenditure in block 2, item 3, then this block will be filled in. | 2554 | 33 |
BLOCK 7 Particulars of currently not attending persons... | particulars of currently not attending persons in the age group 5-24 years | 66226 | 36 |
WORKSHEET for household consumer expenditure | The worksheet used for estimating the household consumer expenditure is also to be attached to the schedule | 1185264 | 26 |