India - Housing Condition and Migration Survey, January - June 1993, NSS 49th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-49Rnd-Sch1dot2-1993 |
Year | 1993 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 17, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block-3-Part-1-house
hold characteristics
records - Block-3-Part-2-Perso
ns--Particulars of p
ast members outside-
records - Block-4-Persons-Demo
graphic and migratio
n particulars-record
s - Block-5-Building and
environment particu
lars- Records - Block-6-Particulars
of dwelling-Records - Block-7-Particulars
of living facilities
-Records - Block-8-Part-1--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-8-Part-2--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-8-Part-3--Part
iculars of building
construction for res
idential purpose-Rec
ords - Block-9-Particulars
of dwelling-land own
ed elsewhere-Records - Block-10-Use of publ
ic distribution syst
em-Records - Block-11-General par
ticulars of slum dwe
File: Block-10-Use of public distribution system-Records
File: Block-10-Use of public distribution system-Records
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 1 Range: 0-2000 | Valid cases: 699582 Invalid: 0 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 2000 Mean: 2.8 Standard deviation: 15.5 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Consumption during last month out of home grown -Quantity
Interviewer instructions
Consumption of any of the six items made out of home grown/produced stock i. e. out of good produced by the household in its own farm or manufacturing establishments during the last 30 days will be recorded. The quantity of an item consumed out of home-grown stock will be recorded in col.(11) and its value will be recorded in col.(12). The value will be imputed at the ex-far/ex-factory price. Produced and brought from village home and consumed in urban residence will also be treated as `home grown` stock. Home produced agricultural production include any produce obtained from cultivation by household or obtained in the form of rent-share of land leased out. It may be noted here that when wheat is grown by the household but consumed in the form of atta. Then consumption of atta (not wheat) out of home grown stock will be considered to have taken place and is to be recorded against ` atta`.