India - Debt and Investment Survey, January - December 1992, NSS 48th Round, Household Assets and Indebtedness of Social Groups
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-DIS-1992-v1 |
Year | 1992 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 16, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,2,3,4,5_Vis
it 1_Household chara
cteristics - Block 6_Visit 1_Hous
ehold members and th
eir activity particu
lars - Block 7_Visit 1_Area
of land owned as on
date of survey and
transactions - Blocks 8,9 _Visit 1_
Livestock, poultry,
agricultural machine
ry and implements ow
ned - Block 10_Visit 1_Own
ed buildings and oth
er constructions and
their transactions - Block 11_Visit 1_Non
-farm business equip
ments owned and thei
r transactions - Blocks 12,13 _Visit
1_Transport equipmen
ts and durable asset
s owned and their tr
ansactions - Blocks 14,15,16_Visi
t 1_Ownership of sha
res etc - Block 17pt1_Visit 1_
Number of cash loans
outstanding and loa
ns repaid and writte
n off - Block 17pt2_Visit 1_
Particulars of cash
loans payable by the
household and trans
actions of loans - Block 17pt2_Visit 1_
Particulars of loans
written off - Block 18_Visit 1_Par
ticulars of other ca
sh and kind loans pa
yable by the househo
ld - Block 19pt1_Visit 1_
Specified items on w
hich expenditure inc
urred - Block 19pt2_Visit 1_
Expenditure on speci
fied items - Block 20_Visit 1_Par
ticulars of acquisit
ion, disposal and lo
ss of assets - Block 21_Visit 1_Uni
t price (last transa
ction) of reported i
tems - Blocks 1,2,3,4,5_Vis
it 2_Household chara
cteristics - Block 5pt1_Visit 2_P
articulars of partit
ioned household - Block 16_Visit 2_Cas
h and kind loans and
their transactions - Block 17pt1_Visit 2_
Number of cash loans
outstanding and loa
ns repaid and writte
n off - Block 17pt2_Visit 2_
Particulars of cash
loans payable by the
household and trans
actions of loans - Block 17pt2_Visit 2_
Particulars of loans
written off - Block 18_Visit 2_Par
ticulars of other ca
sh and kind loans pa
yable by the househo
ld - Block 19pt1_Visit 2_
Specified items on w
hich expenditure inc
urred - Block 19pt2_Visit 2_
Expenditure on speci
fied items - Block 20_Visit 2_Par
ticulars of acquisit
ion, disposal and lo
ss of assets
Variable Groups
Household monthly per capita expenditure (Rs. 0.00)
File: Blocks 1,2,3,4,5_Visit 1_Household characteristics
File: Blocks 1,2,3,4,5_Visit 1_Household characteristics
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 2 Range: 0-35000 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Household consumer expenditure:
It is the expenditure of a household on domestic consumption only. It is the same as the expenditure covered in the consumer expenditure survey of the NSSO. Any expenditure incurred by the household on its enterprise account was excluded from consumer expenditure.
Household monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE):
This was obtained from the household's total consumer expenditure during last 30 days divided by the household size and recorded in terms of rupees and paisas.
It is the expenditure of a household on domestic consumption only. It is the same as the expenditure covered in the consumer expenditure survey of the NSSO. Any expenditure incurred by the household on its enterprise account was excluded from consumer expenditure.
Household monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE):
This was obtained from the household's total consumer expenditure during last 30 days divided by the household size and recorded in terms of rupees and paisas.
Questions and instructions
The figure for this item would be obtained by dividing the entry against item 16 by the entry against item 1(household size). This will be recorded in rupees in two places of decimal.