India - Debt and Investment Survey, January - December 1992, NSS 48th Round, Household Assets and Indebtedness of Social Groups
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-DIS-1992-v1 |
Year | 1992 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 16, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
1992-01-01 | 1992-08-31 | Visit 1 |
1992-09-01 | 1992-12-31 | Visit 2 |
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]
The data for this survey is collected in the NSS Schedule 18.2 used for debt & investment. For this round, the schedule had the following blocks:
BLOCK 0 : DESCRIPTIVE IDENTIFICATION OF SAMPLE HOUSEHOLD: This block is meant for recording descriptive identification Particulars of the sample household and the sample items in this block are self-explanatory.
BLOCK 5 : HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS : Certain household characteristics, such as, household size, social - group, household type, household industry - occupation, consumer expenditure, and land owned, land operated etc., which are intended to be used mainly as classificatory characteristics in tabulation have been recorded in this block.
BLOCK 5.1 : VISIT TWO : PARICULARS OF PARTITIONED HOUSEHOLD: This block is provided in visit-2 schedule only.
BLOCK 6: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND THEIR ACTIVITY PARTICULARS : All normal members of the sample household will be listed in this block. Demographic particulars viz. relation to head, age, sex, general education and usual activity particulars will be recorded for each member, using one line for each.
BLOCK 7 : AREA OF LAND OWNED BY THE HOUSEHOLD ON DATE OF SURVEY AND TRANSACTIONS DURING 1.7.91 TO DATE OF SURVEY : This block is meant for recording area and value of each of the plots of land, including the house site and other residential areas, owned by the sample household on the date of survey and also the acquisition and disposal of land during the period 1.7.91 to date of survey.
BLOCK 8: LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY OWNED: The information on number and value of livestock and poultry owned by the household with break-up by age, sex, use in respect of cattle and buffalo and sex and age of poultry birds has been collected in this block along with the data on the transactions during 1.7.91 to date of survey.
BLOCK 9: AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS OWNED ON THE DATE OF SURVEY AND THEIR TRANSACTIONS DURING 1.7.91 TO DATE OF SURVEY : The number and value of agricultural machinery and implements owned by the household on the date of survey and those acquired or disposed of during 1.7.91 to date of survey has been collected in this block.
BLOCK 10: PARTICULARS OF OWNED BUILDINGS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTIONS: This block is meant for recordings approximate floor area and value of all owned buildings and constructions on the date of survey and also the value of acquisition and disposal of these assets during the period 1.7.91 to date of survey.
BLOCK 11: PARTICULARS OF NON-FARM BUSINESS EQUIPMENTS: The non-farm business equipments include machinery, tools and appliances, furniture and fixtures and other related physical assets used in the non-farm business.
BLOCK 12: TRANSPORT EQUIPMENTS: In this block, the number and the value of the household's share of all transport equipments owned on the date of survey has been recorded irrespective of whether the equipments are used in the farm, non-farm or household purposes.
BLOCK 13: HOUSEHOLD DURABLE ASSETS: The household durable assets used for household purposes have been taken into account irrespective of whether they are home produced, purchased or received as gift.
BLOCK 14: SHARES AND DEBENTURES OWNED: This block is meant for recording the stock of the financial assets in the form of ownership of shares and debentures in the credit or non-credit cooperative societies, commercial banks, companies, Unit Trust of India, mutual fund and other similar financial assets as on the date of survey and also their transactions during 1.7.91 to date of survey.
BLOCK 15: OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS: This block is provided for collecting information in financial assets not covered in block 14 above. The financial assets to be considered here are the different types of certificates/securities issued by the government or bank, deposits in post office, bank, companies insurance etc.
BLOCK 16: CASH LOANS AND KIND LOANS RECEIVABLE BY THE HOUSEHOLD: This block is meant of collecting information in respect of amount receivable by the household on the date of survey on account of loans advanced by them in cash or in kind and the transactions of such loans during the reference periods, viz. 1.7.91 to date of survey during the first visit and 1.7.92 to date of survey in second visit.
BLOCK 17.1: This block is meant for recording general particulars about the cash loans payable by the households to institutions and other agencies.
BLOCK 17.2: PARTICULARS OF CASH LOANS PAYABLE BY THE HOUSEHOLD: The details of cash loans payable by the household as on the date of survey and transactions of all loans during the reference period of 1.7.91/1.1.92 to date of survey have been recorded in this sub-block in the schedules of first/second visit.
BLOCK 18: OTHER EACH LIABILITIES AND GRAIN DUES PAYABLE BY THE HOUSEHOLD AS ON THE DATE OF SURVEY: In this block information has been collected in respect of other cash liabilities and all kinds of loans.
BLOCK 19.1: This block has been designed to identify the specific items on which expenditure in cash and or in kind has been incurred for new purchase, constructions, additions and alterations, improvement, major repairs etc., and normal repairs and maintenance during the reference periods of 1.7.91 to 31.12.91 and 1.1.92 to 31.12.91 and 1.1.92 to 30.6.92 in visit one and visit two respectively.
BLOCK 19.2: The items on which capital expenditure (including expenditure on normal repairs and maintenance) has been incurred during the reference period, have been identified in block 19.1. The details of the amount of expenditure incurred under various heads on the items already identified in block 19.1 have been collected in block 19.2.
BLOCK 20: PARTICULARS OF ACOUISITION DISPOSAL AND LOSS OF ASSETS: This block is meant for recording the details of the acquisition, disposal and the loss of physical assets caused by natural calamities or otherwise during the reference period of 1.7.91 to 31.12.91 and 1.1.92 to 30.6.92 in visit 1 and 2 respectively. In this block acquisition and disposal of new and old assets has been considered.
BLOCK 21: UNIT PRICE OF REPORTED ITEMS: The intention is to collect the unit price of a physical asset reported in the first visit schedule of schedule 18.2 on the basis of actual purchase and sale transaction that took place in the village or in its vicinity during 365 days preceding the date of survey.