State (State)
File: Blocks 1,3,10_Household Characteristics
Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 2
Valid cases: 13137
Invalid: 0
Questions and instructions
Literal question
02 Andhra Pradesh 959 7.3%
03 Assam 461 3.5%
04 Bihar 1023 7.8%
05 Gujarat 516 3.9%
06 Haryana 192 1.5%
07 Himachal Pradesh 254 1.9%
08 Jammu & Kashmir 212 1.6%
09 Karnataka 575 4.4%
10 Kerala 480 3.7%
11 Madhya Pradesh 958 7.3%
12 Maharashtra 1118 8.5%
13 Manipur 192 1.5%
14 Meghalaya 176 1.3%
15 Nagaland 96 0.7%
16 Orissa 486 3.7%
17 Punjab 416 3.2%
18 Rajasthan 547 4.2%
19 Sikkim 70 0.5%
20 Tamil Nadu 903 6.9%
21 Tripura 241 1.8%
22 Uttar Pradesh 1517 11.5%
23 West Bengal 866 6.6%
24 A & N Islands 120 0.9%
25 Arunachal Pradesh 195 1.5%
26 Chandigarh 39 0.3%
27 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 40 0.3%
28 Delhi 147 1.1%
29 Goa 50 0.4%
30 Lakshdweep 29 0.2%
31 Mizoram 176 1.3%
32 Pondicherry 55 0.4%
33 Daman & Diu 28 0.2%
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Imputation and Derivation
This variable has been derived from the variable "State Region" to enable the users to easily access state wise data.