State (State)
File: Block-1-3-Household-records
Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 2
Valid cases: 120921
Invalid: 0
Questions and instructions
Literal question
State Code?
02 Andhra Pradesh 9201 7.6%
03 Assam 4491 3.7%
04 Bihar 9994 8.3%
05 Gujarat 4839 4.0%
06 Haryana 1774 1.5%
07 Himachal Pradesh 2315 1.9%
08 Jammu & Kashmir 4120 3.4%
09 Karnataka 5568 4.6%
10 Kerala 4465 3.7%
11 Madhya Pradesh 8527 7.1%
12 Maharashtra 10290 8.5%
13 Manipur 1798 1.5%
14 Meghalaya 1247 1.0%
15 Nagaland 320 0.3%
16 Orissa 4010 3.3%
17 Punjab 4433 3.7%
18 Rajasthan 5192 4.3%
19 Sikkim 428 0.4%
20 Tamil Nadu 8575 7.1%
21 Tripura 1127 0.9%
22 Uttar Pradesh 14691 12.1%
23 West Bengal 8273 6.8%
24 A & N Islands 1033 0.9%
25 Arunachal Pradesh 58 0.0%
26 Chandigarh 197 0.2%
27 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 320 0.3%
28 Delhi 1229 1.0%
29 Goa 318 0.3%
30 Lakshdweep 20 0.0%
31 Mizoram 1748 1.4%
32 Pondicherry 320 0.3%
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
State to which the sample village/block belongs to will be recorded here as per the code list