India - Annual Survey of Industries 1989-90
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-1989-90-v1 |
Year | 1990 - 1991 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - MOSPI, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 12, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
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Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS (B1,2,6) | Blocks 1/2/6/16 : Identification Particulars : The file contains the Identification particulars and classificatory characteristics of Factory. Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Primary key is State X RSL (Running serial number). There are few duplicate records in the data. Variables in the this data set are: Other fields are: Cont. R.S.L.,Permanent Sl. No.,No. of Units State/Dist/Block,FOD Region Code,R/U/M Code,Backward Area Code,Year of Initial Prod. Type of Organisation,Type of Ownership,Type of Management,Whether ancillary unit,Wheather registered Accounting Year Closing,Months of operation,Type of power used,Open/Closed Code etc. Working dayts and shifts information from Block-6 : Number of manufacturing days, Total number of working days, Total number of shifts and lenght of shift (in hours 0.0). | 49365 | 26 |
FIXED ASSETS-1 (BLOCK4) | Block - 4 - fixed assets : The file contains Fixed Assets details. Fixed assets are those, which have generally normal productive life of more than one year; it covers all type of assets, new or used or own constructed, deployed for productions, transportation, living or recreational facilities, hospitals, schools, etc. for factory personnel; it would include land, building, plant and machinery, transport equipment, etc.; it includes the fixed assets of the head office allocable to the factory and also the full value of assets taken on hire-purchase basis (whether fully paid or not) excluding interest element; it excludes intangible assets and assets solely used for post-manufacturing activities such as, sale, storage, distribution, etc. Fields in this blocks are: Common information in aoll the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Sub-Record Code, Item number of the type of assets, Gross value : Opening as on, due to revaluation, actual addition, deduction & adjustment during the year and Closing as on. Depreciation: upto year begining, provided during the year, adjustments during the year and upto year end Net Value: opening as on, closing as on. Record type 41 to 49 | 274261 | 14 |
FIXED ASSETS- P&M (BLOCK4A) | Block - 4A - fixed assets : Details of Plant and Machinery. Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : (1) Undepreciated original cost (Rs.), (2) Leased in (Rs.), (3) Leased out (Rs.) and Net Value(1+2-3) Variable name defined like B4Ai1c3 - B4A for block i1 for item no. followed by c3 for column no. Record type : 50 | 46397 | 13 |
WORKING CAPITAL-1 (BLOCK 5) | Block -5 - WORKING CAPITALS & Loans : Working capital and loans: This is defined to include all physical inventories owned, held or controlled by the factory as on the closing day of the accounting year such as the materials, fuels and lubricants, stores, etc. that enter into products manufactured by the factory itself or supplied by the factory to others for processing. Physical working capital also includes the value of stock of materials, fuels and stores, etc. purchased expressly for re-sale, semi-finished goods and goods-in-process on account of others and goods made by the factory which are ready for sale at the end of the accounting year. However, it does not include the stock of the materials, fuels, stores, etc. supplied by others to the factory for processing. Finished goods processed by others from raw materials supplied by the factory and held by them are included and finished goods processed by the factory from raw materials supplied by others, are excluded. Outstanding loans represent all loans, whether short-term or long-term, whether interest bearing or not, outstanding according to the books of the factory as on the closing day of accounting year. Fields in this block are : Common information in aoll the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Row materials & components,Fuels and lubricants,Spares,stpres and others,Semi-finished goods,Finished goods,Total inventory etc. Record type is 051 & 053 and they represent Opening Balance and Closing Balance respectively.. | 87684 | 12 |
WORKING CAPITAL-2 (BLOCK 5) | Block -5 - WORKING CAPITALS & Loans : Working capital and loans: This is defined to include all physical inventories owned, held or controlled by the factory as on the closing day of the accounting year such as the materials, fuels and lubricants, stores, etc. that enter into products manufactured by the factory itself or supplied by the factory to others for processing. Physical working capital also includes the value of stock of materials, fuels and stores, etc. purchased expressly for re-sale, semi-finished goods and goods-in-process on account of others and goods made by the factory which are ready for sale at the end of the accounting year. However, it does not include the stock of the materials, fuels, stores, etc. supplied by others to the factory for processing. Finished goods processed by others from raw materials supplied by the factory and held by them are included and finished goods processed by the factory from raw materials supplied by others, are excluded. Outstanding loans represent all loans, whether short-term or long-term, whether interest bearing or not, outstanding according to the books of the factory as on the closing day of accounting year. Fields in this block are : Common information in aoll the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other items : Total inventory, Cash in hand and at bank, Sundry debtors, Other current assets, Sundry creditors, Overdrafts etc., Other current liabilities and Working capital Record type is 052 & 054 and they represent Opening Balance and Closing Balance respectively for above items. | 93607 | 13 |
EMPLOYMENT (BLOCK 7) | Block E - Employment : Information collected in this block is regarding employment and number of mandays worked for the employees to be collected. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : represents mandays worked (Col 3,4 and 5) for Men,Women,Children,Empl. Through contractors,Sup. & managerial staff,Other employees,Total etc Record type is 071,072 and 073. 071 - For Manufacturing days 072 - For Non-manufacturing days 073 - Total | 103053 | 12 |
EMPLOYMENT & WORKING DAYS(BLOCK 7) | Block 7 - Employment : Information collected in this block is regarding employment and number of mandays worked for the employees to be collected. Common information in aoll the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : represents Average number of persons worked (Col 6) for Men,Women,Children,Empl. Through contractors,Sup. & managerial staff,Other employees,Working proprietors,Unpaid family workers ,If co-operative etc.,Total,No. of manufacturing days,Total no. of working days,Total no. of shifts, Length of shifts etc. Variable Name defined as Bl7_i1_c6 representing Bl7 for Block, i1 for Item no. and c6 for column no. Record category : 074 | 47682 | 15 |
LABOUR COST-1 (BLOCK 8) | Block 8 - Labour cost (including for contract labour) : Information collected in this block is regarding labour cost. In this block emoluments of the employees to be collected. Emoluments are defined as wages paid to all employees plus imputed value of benefits in kind, i.e., the net cost to the employers on those goods and services provided to employees free of charge or at markedly reduced cost which are clearly and primarily of benefit to the employees as consumers. It includes profit sharing, festival and other bonuses and ex-gratia payments paid at less frequent intervals (i.e. other than bonus paid more or less regularly for each period). Benefits in kind include supplies or services rendered such as housing, medical, education and recreation facilities. Personal insurance, income tax, house rent allowance, conveyance, etc. for payment by the factory also is included in the emoluments. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other items in the data set : Wages and salaries-workers, Wages and salariesSuper.& Mang. Staff,Wages and salaries Others, Wages and salaries Total,Bonus-workers,Bonus-Super. & Mang. Stafff,Bonus-Others,Bonus - Total etc. Data recorded for Workers and supervisory and managerial staff here. Variable Name defined as Bl8_i1_c6 representing B8 for Block, i1 for Item no. and c6 for column no. Record type is 081 | 46626 | 15 |
LABOUR COST-2 (BLOCK 8) | Block 8 (Continued)- Labour cost (including for contract labour) : Information collected in this block is regarding labour cost. In this block emoluments of the employees to be collected. Emoluments are defined as wages paid to all employees plus imputed value of benefits in kind, i.e., the net cost to the employers on those goods and services provided to employees free of charge or at markedly reduced cost which are clearly and primarily of benefit to the employees as consumers. It includes profit sharing, festival and other bonuses and ex-gratia payments paid at less frequent intervals (i.e. other than bonus paid more or less regularly for each period). Benefits in kind include supplies or services rendered such as housing, medical, education and recreation facilities. Personal insurance, income tax, house rent allowance, conveyance, etc. for payment by the factory also is included in the emoluments. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : recorded for Others and Total : Wages & salaries, Bonus, PF etc.,Total welfare expenses,Total labour cost etc. Variable Name defined as Bl8_i1_c6 representing B8 for Block, i1 for Item no. and c6 for column no. Record typ e is 082 | 47297 | 15 |
FUELS, MATERIALS (BLOCK 9,13) | Block - 9 Fuels, Electricity and water consumed ( excl. intermediate products) : (All the items are for Quantity consumed and its value in Rs.) Block 13 : Materials etc. consumed RC 131 Block 13 : Imported materials RC 133 Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : represents quantity and value for 4 item codes respectively. Record type 091, 131 and 133 | 198685 | 18 |
OTHER EXPENDITURE-1 (BLOCK 10) | Block -10 Other Expenditure : (All the items are Expenditure incurred in Rs.) This block includes the cost of other inputs as both the industrial and non-industrial services rendered by others, which are paid by the factory and most of which are reflected in the ex-factory value of its production during the accounting year. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Work done by others,Repair & maint- Machinery,Repair & maint- Building,Repair & Maint- Others,Inward Freight etc. Rates and Taxes,Postage, Telephone,etc.,Insurance charges,banking charges ,Printing & stationery and Miscellaneous Record type is 101 | 48407 | 15 |
OTHER EXPENDITURE-2 (BLOCK 10) | Block -10 (Continued) Other Expenditure : (All the items are Expenditure incurred in Rs.) This block includes the cost of other inputs as both the industrial and non-industrial services rendered by others, which are paid by the factory and most of which are reflected in the ex-factory value of its production during the accounting year. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Miscellaneous,Total,Rent of land etc.,Rent for Building,Rent for P&M,Rent for other assets Total rent ,Interest ,Purchese value of goods sold,Own construction labour cost Record type 102 | 41619 | 14 |
OTHER OUTPUT-RECEIPTS (BLOCK 11) | Block -11 Other Outputs/Receipts (Incomes) : The file contains Other OUTPUT/RECEIPTS Detail ( All items are Receipts in Rs.) : In this block, information on other output/receipts is to be reported. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Work done for others,Receipt for non-industrial services,Variation of stock of semi- finished goods Value of electricity sold,Value of own construction,Total,Sale value of goods sold etc. Record type is 111 | 40059 | 13 |
ELECTRICITY (BLOCK 12) | Block - 12 : Electricity (Not applicable to electricity industry) : In this block, information on Quantity of electricity purchased, generated, sold and consumed is reported. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields :Electricity purchased,electricitygenerated,Electricity sold,Electricity consumed. Record type is 121 | 45222 | 9 |
MATERIALS CONSUMED (BLOCK 13A) | Block - 13 A : Materials consumed (Indigenous and mported industrial components, accessoriess ) during the accounting year: Fields in this block are : Common information in the block : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Quantity and value consumed for Indigenous and imported consumption for 4 item codes respectively. Variable Name defined as Bl13A_c6 representing B13A for Block and c6 for column no. Record type is 132. | 64680 | 16 |
PRODUCTS AND BY-PRODUCTS-1 (BLOCK 14) | Block 14: Products and by-products inclding fixed assets (excluding intermediate products) manufactured and sold during the year 1996-97. File contains data for Manufacture, Sale and distributive expenses. The items are Item code, Quantity sold, Quantity manufactures, Gross sale value, Excise duty, Sales tax, others, Total, Per unit net sale value and Net value of output(ex-factory value) Data name is represented by Block number and column number like bl14_c1... Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Item code,Quantity manufactured,Quantity sold,Gross sale value,Excise duty,Sale tax Distributive Expenses- other,Distributive Expenses- total,Item wise N.S.V.unit,Item wise Ex-factory Value etc. Record category is 141 | 135251 | 12 |
DISTRIBUTIVE EXPENSES (BLOCK 14A) | Block 14 A: Details of distributive expenses on sale during the accounting years. File contains data for Manufacture, Sale and distributive expenses. The items are Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Excise duty, Sale Tax, Transport charges, Commission to agents, Rebates, Others and Total for Distributive expenses (Rs.) Record category is 142 | 38117 | 12 |