- Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with Base year 2011-12
Reference ID | DDI-IND-CSO-IIP |
Year | 0 |
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Created on
Aug 30, 2019
Last modified
Aug 30, 2019
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Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with Base year 2011-12ID Number DDI-IND-CSO-IIP |
Comparison of economic performance over time is a key factor in economic analysis and a fundamental requirement for policy-making. Short-term indicators play an important role in this context by providing such comparison indicators. Among the short-term indicators, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) has historically been one of the most well-known and well-used indicators. The all India IIP is a composite indicator that measures the short-term changes in the volume of production of a basket of industrial products during a given period with respect to that in a chosen base period. It is compiled and published monthly by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) with a time lag of six weeks from the reference month.Units of Analysis
Frame for coverage of units is decided by the source agencies which collect data from the factories. For compilation of IIP both large and medium factories are covered for collection of data by the source agencies.Keywords
IIP, Base year, Item Description, Index, Industrial Production, WeightCoverage
Geographic Coverage
Industrial Coverage: Although UNSD guidelines state that IIP is to be compiled for activities in ISIC Rev. 4 Sections B, C, D and E, i.e. (i) Mining and quarrying, (ii) Manufacturing, (iii) Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air-conditioning supply and (iv) Water supply, Sewerage, Waste management and Remediation activities, due to constraints of the data availability and other resources, the index is being compiled with (i) Mining, (ii) Manufacturing and (iii) Electricity as scope of All India IIP. In the current base year (i.e. 2011-12), the index covers 839 items clubbed into 407 item groups under three sectors i.e. Mining (29 items clubbed into 1 item group), Manufacturing (809 items clubbed into 405 item groups) and Electricity (1 item) with weights of 14.37%, 77.63% and 7.99% respectively.The mining sector covers 29 items under different headings viz. Fuel Minerals, Metallic Minerals and Non-Metallic Minerals. This sector also includes Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal and Lignite. The manufacturing sector covers 809 items under different groups e.g. Food products, Beverages, Textiles, Chemicals and chemical products etc. The Electricity sector is treated as a single item.
Product Coverage: Within an industry the products are covered on the basis of the concepts of Primary (Main) Product as well as Secondary (By) Product. All those items which represent at least 80% of the output within each industry group, i.e., 3-digit industry of NIC-2008 (based on ISIC 4) have been included in the Item basket. Essential products like tea, coffee, salt and sugar have been included. The over-riding criteria for finalization of item basket have been the regular monthly flow of
production data from the source agencies/collection authorities.
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