India - Annual Survey of Industries 2001-02
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-2001-02-v1 |
Year | 2002 - 2003 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) - MOSPI, Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 12, 2018
Last modified
Mar 26, 2019
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Data Description
Content | Block - I - Input Items Imported : Details of imported input items consumed - directly only : Information in this block is to be reported for all imported items consumed. The items are to be imported by the factory directly. Variables are for : YR, DSL Item serial number represents major five imported items and other items imported, Total imports(consumed), Item code (ASICC code), Unit of quantity, Quantity consumed, Purchae value (Rs.) Rate per unit (Rs. 0.00) |
Cases | 19589 |
Variable(s) | 9 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: DSL (Despatch Serial Number) |
Notes | ASICC codes in Block H, I & J Because of the proximity of various item's description, it is possible that same ASICC code may appear against multiple records in these blocks. They should not be treated as duplicates. They are clubbed together at the time of tabulation to provide information at ASICC level. |
Name | Label | Question | |
YR | Year | Accounting Year | |
BLK | Block code 'I' | Schedule (Questionnaire) Block | |
DSL | Despatch Serial Number | Dispatch Serial Number | |
I_Itm1 | S No | Item No. - Sr. No. | |
I_Itm3 | Item code (ASICC code) | Item code (ASICC) | |
I_Itm4 | Unit of quantity | Unit of quantity | |
I_Itm5 | Quantity consumed | Quantity consumed | |
I_Itm6 | Purchase value | Purchase value (in Rs.) | |
I_Itm7 | Rate per unit | Rate per unit (in Rs.) | |
Total variable(s):
9 |