India - Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) - JULY 2015 - JUNE 2016, 73 round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-73Rnd-Sch2.34-July2015-June2016 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 25, 2019
Page views
- (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 1-Identification o
f sample enterprises - (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 2-Particulars of o
peration and backgro
und information - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
2pt1-Activities pur
sued by the enterpri
se during last 30 da
ya ended - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
3-Principal operati
ng expenses during l
ast 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
4-Other operating e
xpenses during last
30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
5-Principal receipt
s during last 30 day
s - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
6-Other receipts du
ring last 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
7-Calculation of gr
oss value added duri
ng last 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
8-Employment partic
ulars of the enterpr
ise during last 30 d
ays - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
9-Compensation to w
orkers during last 3
0 days. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
10-Land and fixed a
ssets owned and hire
d as on the last dat
e of reference year
and monthly rent pay
able on hired assets - (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 10pt1-Original val
ue of plant and mach
inery equipment - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
11- Loan outstandin
g as on last date of
the reference year - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
11pt1-The amount of
loan advanced by fi
nancial enterprises
(excluding stock bro
cker sub-broker) - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
12-Factor income of
the enterprise duri
ng last 30 days (onl
y for non-financial
enterprises) - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
13-Inventories duri
ng the refence year
for enterprises prov
iding data from book
s of accounts. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
14- Particulars of
use of information a
nd communication tec
hnology(ICT) by the
enterprise with 10 o
r more workers durin
g last 365 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
15-Particulars of f
ield operation - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
1-Identification of
sample enterprises - (Semi-Round-2 )-Bloc
k 2- Particulars of
operation and backgr
ound information - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
2pt1-Activities pur
sued by the enterpri
se during last 30 da
ya ended - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
3-Principal operati
ng expenses during l
ast 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
4-Other operating e
xpenses during last
30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
5-Principal receipt
s during last 30 day
s - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 6-Other receipts d
uring last 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
7-Calculation of gr
oss value added duri
ng last 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
8- Employment parti
culars of the enterp
rise during last 30
days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
9-Compensation to w
orkers during last 3
0 days. - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
10- Land and fixed
assets owned and hir
ed as on the last da
te of reference year
and monthly rent pa
yable on hired asset
s - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
10pt1-Original valu
e of plant and machi
nery equipment - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
11- Loan outstandin
g as on last date of
the reference year - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
11pt1-The amount of
loan advanced by fi
nancial enterprises
(excluding stock bro
cker sub-broker) - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
12- Factor income o
f the enterprise dur
ing last 30 days (on
ly for non-financial
enterprises) - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
13-Inventories duri
ng the refence year
for enterprises prov
iding data from book
s of accounts. - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
14-Particulars of u
se of information an
d communication tech
nology(ICT) by the e
nterprise with 10 or
more workers during
last 365 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
15-Particulars of f
ield operation
Variable Groups
3 digit product code
File: (Semi-Round-2)-Block 3-Principal operating expenses during last 30 days
File: (Semi-Round-2)-Block 3-Principal operating expenses during last 30 days
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 331556 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
011 | 280 | 0.1% | |
012 | 716 | 0.2% | |
013 | 349 | 0.1% | |
014 | 362 | 0.1% | |
015 | 301 | 0.1% | |
016 | 1365 | 0.4% | |
017 | 280 | 0.1% | |
018 | 169 | 0.1% | |
019 | 279 | 0.1% | |
021 | 217 | 0.1% | |
022 | 658 | 0.2% | |
023 | 267 | 0.1% | |
024 | 1177 | 0.4% | |
025 | 117 | 0.0% | |
026 | 2467 | 0.7% | |
027 | 12902 | 3.9% | |
028 | 12267 | 3.7% | |
029 | 1218 | 0.4% | |
031 | 94 | 0.0% | |
032 | 97 | 0.0% | |
033 | 45 | 0.0% | |
041 | 953 | 0.3% | |
042 | 19 | 0.0% | |
043 | 6308 | 1.9% | |
046 | 1 | 0.0% | |
049 | 676 | 0.2% | |
051 | 720 | 0.2% | |
052 | 708 | 0.2% | |
059 | 1210 | 0.4% | |
061 | 1608 | 0.5% | |
062 | 861 | 0.3% | |
063 | 5 | 0.0% | |
064 | 5 | 0.0% | |
065 | 8 | 0.0% | |
072 | 2 | 0.0% | |
110 | Coal and Lignite | 547 | 0.2% |
112 | 1 | 0.0% | |
121 | Natural Gas | 52 | 0.0% |
122 | Crude petroleum | 16 | 0.0% |
129 | 1 | 0.0% | |
131 | Iron ore | 384 | 0.1% |
132 | Manganese ore | 7 | 0.0% |
133 | Bauxite | 4 | 0.0% |
134 | Copper ore | 108 | 0.0% |
139 | Other Metallic minerals | 430 | 0.1% |
141 | Limestone | 80 | 0.0% |
142 | Mica | 29 | 0.0% |
149 | Other non metallic minerals | 1144 | 0.3% |
211 | Processed poultry meat & poultry meat products | 2606 | 0.8% |
212 | Processed other meat & meat products | 1486 | 0.4% |
213 | Processed fish & fish products | 85 | 0.0% |
221 | Processed fruits & Processed Vegetables | 337 | 0.1% |
222 | Dairy products | 12711 | 3.8% |
223 | Edible Oils and Fats | 17393 | 5.2% |
231 | Rice | 11988 | 3.6% |
232 | Wheat flour etc. | 12243 | 3.7% |
233 | Pulses milled | 12230 | 3.7% |
234 | Rice powder, Gram flour, Bajra flour, Barley milled, Tapioca powder | 1636 | 0.5% |
235 | Dextrose , Glucose, Lactose, caramel, Artificial Honey, sugar syrup | 161 | 0.0% |
237 | 1 | 0.0% | |
239 | Other grain mill products n.e.c. | 1751 | 0.5% |
241 | Sugar, gur, khandsari and similar products | 18518 | 5.6% |
242 | Bread and bakery products | 10879 | 3.3% |
243 | Miscellaneous food products | 10454 | 3.2% |
249 | 1 | 0.0% | |
251 | Alcoholic beverages | 1083 | 0.3% |
252 | Non-alcoholic beverages | 7475 | 2.3% |
261 | Tea, processed | 4645 | 1.4% |
262 | Coffee, processed | 937 | 0.3% |
263 | Cigarette, Bidi, Snuff, Cigar | 4435 | 1.3% |
264 | Zarda, gutka, panmasala | 4386 | 1.3% |
293 | 1 | 0.0% | |
311 | Cotton Yarn and Cotton Textiles | 2661 | 0.8% |
312 | Synthetic yarn and synthetic textiles | 1434 | 0.4% |
313 | Wool yarn and woollen textiles | 376 | 0.1% |
314 | Silk yarn and silk textiles | 597 | 0.2% |
315 | Carpet weaving | 45 | 0.0% |
321 | Readymade garments - cotton | 3211 | 1.0% |
322 | Readymade garments - synthetic | 2177 | 0.7% |
323 | Readymade garments - wool | 563 | 0.2% |
324 | Readymade garments - silk | 955 | 0.3% |
325 | 1 | 0.0% | |
371 | 1 | 0.0% | |
391 | Coir and coir products | 156 | 0.0% |
399 | Misc. textile products | 3185 | 1.0% |
401 | Leather footwear | 610 | 0.2% |
402 | Leather and leather products except footwear | 367 | 0.1% |
491 | 1 | 0.0% | |
493 | 1 | 0.0% | |
494 | 1 | 0.0% | |
511 | Wood and wood products except furniture | 2266 | 0.7% |
512 | Stationery articles | 9870 | 3.0% |
513 | Paper & Paper products(excluding stationery articles) and newsprint | 10733 | 3.2% |
514 | Publishing, printing and allied products | 4920 | 1.5% |
515 | Wooden furniture & fixtures | 363 | 0.1% |
521 | Rubber footwear | 668 | 0.2% |
522 | Tyres and tubes | 4518 | 1.4% |
523 | Rubber stationery articles | 101 | 0.0% |
529 | Other rubber products | 531 | 0.2% |
531 | Plastic footwear | 545 | 0.2% |
532 | Plastic stationery articles | 338 | 0.1% |
533 | Plastic furniture | 249 | 0.1% |
537 | 1 | 0.0% | |
539 | Other plastic products | 2491 | 0.8% |
541 | Petrol, diesel and lubricants | 9513 | 2.9% |
542 | Kerosene | 532 | 0.2% |
543 | L. P. G., C.N.G | 2643 | 0.8% |
544 | Synthetic footwear | 116 | 0.0% |
545 | Synthetic stationery articles | 55 | 0.0% |
546 | Synthetic furniture | 16 | 0.0% |
549 | Other petroleum products | 120 | 0.0% |
550 | Coal tar products | 81 | 0.0% |
611 | Fertilizers | 451 | 0.1% |
612 | Pesticides | 488 | 0.1% |
621 | Paints, varnishes and lacquers | 1905 | 0.6% |
622 | Drugs and medicines (Allopathic) | 4819 | 1.5% |
623 | Drugs and medicines (AYUSH) | 1589 | 0.5% |
624 | Soaps, detergents and glycerine | 9479 | 2.9% |
625 | Cosmetics and toiletries | 7903 | 2.4% |
626 | Synthetic fibres, resin | 180 | 0.1% |
627 | Inorganic chemicals n.e.c. | 2308 | 0.7% |
628 | Organic chemicals n.e.c. | 2249 | 0.7% |
629 | Other chemicals and chemical products n.e.c. | 1336 | 0.4% |
710 | Cement | 1215 | 0.4% |
721 | Earthenware | 177 | 0.1% |
722 | Chinaware | 179 | 0.1% |
723 | Glass and glass products | 937 | 0.3% |
729 | Other non metallic mineral products excluding cement | 939 | 0.3% |
731 | Metal utensils | 576 | 0.2% |
732 | Metal furniture | 197 | 0.1% |
733 | Iron and steel Ferro alloys | 1316 | 0.4% |
734 | Iron and steel casting and forging | 583 | 0.2% |
735 | Iron and steel foundries | 456 | 0.1% |
736 | Non ferrous basic metals (including alloys) | 356 | 0.1% |
737 | Hand tools, hardware | 1653 | 0.5% |
739 | Miscellaneous metal products | 8646 | 2.6% |
811 | Agricultural implements excluding tractor | 90 | 0.0% |
812 | Industrial machinery for food and textile industry | 13 | 0.0% |
813 | Industrial machinery (except food and textile) | 27 | 0.0% |
814 | Machine tools | 116 | 0.0% |
815 | Photographic and Ophthalmic equipments | 126 | 0.0% |
816 | Musical instruments | 21 | 0.0% |
817 | Other non-electrical household machinery | 52 | 0.0% |
818 | Other non-electrical office machinery | 11 | 0.0% |
821 | Electrical industrial machinery | 38 | 0.0% |
822 | Electrical cables, wires | 828 | 0.2% |
823 | Batteries | 2014 | 0.6% |
824 | Refrigerators | 192 | 0.1% |
825 | Air conditioners | 91 | 0.0% |
826 | Other electrical appliances | 864 | 0.3% |
827 | Communication equipment including telephone and mobile handsets and accessories | 1168 | 0.4% |
828 | Other electrical machinery | 302 | 0.1% |
831 | T.V. and radio | 242 | 0.1% |
832 | Medical, precision and optical instruments | 3682 | 1.1% |
833 | Watches and clocks | 161 | 0.0% |
834 | Spares and accessories of electronic equipments | 5271 | 1.6% |
835 | Computer, laptop, tablet PC, etc. | 133 | 0.0% |
839 | Other electronic equipments | 625 | 0.2% |
841 | Gems & jewellery | 1065 | 0.3% |
842 | Sports and athletic goods | 1481 | 0.4% |
843 | 1 | 0.0% | |
849 | Miscellaneous manufacturing | 3981 | 1.2% |
911 | Aircrafts & Spacecrafts and its spares and accessories | 1 | 0.0% |
912 | Ships | 0 | 0.0% |
913 | Boats | 2 | 0.0% |
914 | spares and accessories of ships and boats | 7 | 0.0% |
921 | Rail equipment and its spares and accessories | 9 | 0.0% |
922 | Motor vehicles including bus, truck, electric and hybrid motor vehicles (excluding tractor) | 34 | 0.0% |
923 | Tractors | 33 | 0.0% |
924 | Battery operated rickshaw/ van | 32 | 0.0% |
925 | Cycle-rickshaw, Cycle van, hand cart, animal driven cart | 6 | 0.0% |
931 | Motor vehicles including electric and hybrid motor vehicles (excluding tractor) | 38 | 0.0% |
932 | Motor cycles and scooters | 171 | 0.1% |
933 | Bicycles | 127 | 0.0% |
941 | Spares, stores and accessories of tractors and other agricultural implements | 191 | 0.1% |
942 | Spares, stores and accessories of motor vehicles and motorcycles (excluding tractor) | 2091 | 0.6% |
943 | Spares, stores and accessories of non-motorised vehicles like cycles, hand-carts, rickshaws, animal-driven carts, etc. | 256 | 0.1% |
950 | Other transport equipment | 58 | 0.0% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.