India - Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households, January - December 2013, NSS 70th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SAS-2013-v1.0 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Organization - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Visit 1_Block 1&
2_identification of
sample household and
particulars of fiel
d operations - Visit 1_Block 3_Hous
ehold characteristic
s - Visit 1_Block 4_demo
graphic and other pa
rticulars of househo
ld members - Visit 1_Block 5a_val
ue of output for the
crops produced duri
ng July to December
2012 - Visit 1_Block 5a_val
ue of output for the
crops produced duri
ng July to December
2012 - Visit 1_Block 5b_dis
position of crops pr
oduced during July t
o December 2012 - Visit 1_Block 5b_dis
position of crops pr
oduced during July t
o December 2012 - Visit 1_Block 6_ par
ticulars of inputs a
nd their expenses fo
r crop production du
ring July to Decembe
r 2012 - Visit 1_Block 7_disp
osition of produce a
nd value of outputs
on farming of animal
s during last 30 day
s - Visit 1_Block 8_expe
nses and other parti
culars of input on f
arming of animals du
ring last 30 days - Visit 1_Block 9_expe
nses and value of ou
tputs for non-farm b
usiness during last
30 days - Visit 1_Block 10_pur
chase and sale of pr
oductive assets duri
ng July to December
2012 - Visit 1_Block 11_loa
ns (cash and kind) p
ayable as on the dat
e of survey - Visit 1_Block 12_hou
sehold consumer expe
nditure (Rs - Visit 1_Block 13_awa
reness about Minimum
Support Price (MSP) - Visit 1_Block 14__ac
cess to technical ad
vice for any of the
crops listed in Bloc
k [5a] - Visit 1_Block 15_par
ticulars of other as
pects of farming dur
ing July to December
Variable Groups
Crop code
File: Visit 1_Block 13_awareness about Minimum Support Price (MSP)
File: Visit 1_Block 13_awareness about Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Discrete Format: character Width: 4 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category |
0101 | paddy |
0102 | jowar |
0103 | bajra |
0104 | maize |
0105 | ragi |
0106 | wheat |
0107 | barley |
0108 | small millets |
0188 | other cereals |
0201 | gram |
0202 | tur (arhar) |
0203 | urad |
0204 | moong |
0205 | masur |
0206 | horsegram |
0207 | beans (pulses) |
0208 | peas (pulses) |
0288 | other pulses |
0401 | sugarcane |
0402 | palmvriah |
0488 | other sugar crops |
0501 | pepper (black) |
0502 | chillies |
0503 | ginger |
0504 | turmeric |
0505 | cardamom (small) |
0506 | cardamom (large) |
0507 | betelnuts (arecanuts) |
0508 | garlic |
0509 | coriander |
0510 | tamarind |
0511 | cumin seed |
0512 | fennel / anise seed |
0513 | nutmeg |
0514 | fenugreek |
0515 | cloves |
0516 | cinnamon |
0517 | cocoa |
0518 | kacholam |
0519 | beetlvine |
0588 | othercondi. & spices |
0601 | mangoes |
0602 | orange and kinu |
0603 | mosambi |
0604 | lemon / acid lime |
0605 | othercitrous fruits |
0606 | banana |
0607 | table grapes |
0608 | wine grapes (black) |
0609 | apple |
0610 | pear |
0611 | peaches |
0612 | plum |
0613 | kiwi fruit |
0614 | chiku |
0615 | papaya |
0616 | guava |
0617 | almond |
0618 | walnut |
0619 | cashewnuts |
0620 | apricot |
0621 | jackfruit |
0622 | lichi |
0623 | pineapple |
0624 | watermelon |
0625 | musk melon |
0626 | bread fruits |
0627 | ber |
0628 | bel |
0629 | mulberry (sahatoot) |
0630 | aonla (amla) |
0688 | other fruits |
0701 | potato |
0702 | tapioca (cassava) |
0703 | sweet potato |
0704 | yam |
0705 | elephant foot yam |
0706 | colocasia/arum |
0707 | other tuber crop |
0708 | onion |
0709 | carrot |
0710 | radish |
0711 | beetroot |
0712 | turnip (shalgam) |
0713 | tomato |
0714 | spinach |
0715 | amaranths (chaulai) |
0716 | cabbage |
0717 | other leafy vegetable |
0718 | brinjal |
0719 | peas (vegetable) (green) |
0720 | lady's finger (bhindi) |
0721 | cauliflower |
0722 | cucumber |
0723 | bottle gourd (lauki) |
0724 | pumpkin |
0725 | bitter gourd |
0726 | other gourds |
0727 | vench (guar) |
0728 | beans (green) |
0729 | drumstick |
0730 | green chillies |
0788 | other vegetables |
0801 | other food crop |
1001 | groundnut |
1002 | castorseed |
1003 | sesamum (til) |
1004 | rapeseed& mustard |
1005 | linseed |
1006 | coconut |
1007 | sunflower |
1008 | safflower |
1009 | soyabean |
1010 | nigerseed |
1011 | oil palm |
1088 | other oilseeds |
1101 | cotton |
1102 | jute |
1103 | mesta |
1104 | sunhemp |
1188 | other fibres |
1201 | indigo |
1288 | other dyes & tan.materials |
1301 | opium |
1302 | tobacco |
1388 | other drugs & narcotics |
1401 | guar |
1402 | oats |
1403 | green manures |
1488 | other fodder crops |
1501 | tea |
1502 | coffee |
1503 | rubber |
1588 | other plantation crops |
1601 | orchids |
1602 | rose |
1603 | gladiolus |
1604 | carnation |
1605 | marigold |
1688 | other flowers |
1701 | asgandh |
1702 | isabgol |
1703 | sena |
1704 | moosli |
1705 | other medicinal plant |
1711 | lemon grass |
1712 | mint |
1713 | menthol |
1714 | eucalyptus |
1715 | other aromatic plant |
1801 | canes |
1802 | bamboos |
1888 | other non-food crops |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.