India - Employment and Unemployment, July 2011- June 2012, NSS 68th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-68-10-2013 |
Year | 2011 - 2012 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Feb 20, 2019
Page views
- Block_1_2_Identifica
tion of sample house
hold and particulars
of field operation - Block_3_Household ch
aracteristics - Block_4_Demographic
particulars of house
hold members - Block_5_1_Usual prin
cipal activity parti
culars of household
members - Block_5_2_Usual subs
idiary economic acti
vity particulars of
household members - Block_5_3_Time dispo
sition during the we
ek ended on ........
...... - Block_6_Follow-up qu
estions on availabil
ity for work, existe
nce of union or asso
ciation and nature o
f employment for per
sons working in the
usual principal or s
ubsidiary status - Block_7_Follow-up qu
estions for persons
with usual principal
activity status cod
e 92 or 93 in col. 3
of bl. 5 - Block_8_Household co
nsumer expenditure
File: Block_8_Household consumer expenditure
File: Block_8_Household consumer expenditure
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 2776782 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
011 | 19897 | 0.7% | |
012 | 20783 | 0.7% | |
013 | 50073 | 1.8% | |
014 | 3461 | 0.1% | |
021 | 27471 | 1.0% | |
022 | 25687 | 0.9% | |
031 | 41074 | 1.5% | |
032 | 44711 | 1.6% | |
041 | 8333 | 0.3% | |
051 | 49537 | 1.8% | |
061 | 46564 | 1.7% | |
062 | 24935 | 0.9% | |
071 | 27934 | 1.0% | |
081 | 20189 | 0.7% | |
082 | 38667 | 1.4% | |
083 | 12358 | 0.4% | |
084 | 14094 | 0.5% | |
085 | 24152 | 0.9% | |
091 | 38076 | 1.4% | |
092 | 36211 | 1.3% | |
093 | 95949 | 3.5% | |
094 | 16033 | 0.6% | |
095 | 60814 | 2.2% | |
101 | 75561 | 2.7% | |
102 | 50358 | 1.8% | |
111 | 19798 | 0.7% | |
121 | 42727 | 1.5% | |
131 | 28777 | 1.0% | |
141 | 51663 | 1.9% | |
142 | 18547 | 0.7% | |
151 | 42481 | 1.5% | |
161 | 48739 | 1.8% | |
171 | 35752 | 1.3% | |
181 | 25801 | 0.9% | |
182 | 35083 | 1.3% | |
183 | 17155 | 0.6% | |
184 | 22648 | 0.8% | |
191 | 17324 | 0.6% | |
192 | 42168 | 1.5% | |
193 | 45153 | 1.6% | |
194 | 37398 | 1.3% | |
195 | 30616 | 1.1% | |
201 | 31017 | 1.1% | |
202 | 41130 | 1.5% | |
211 | 38969 | 1.4% | |
212 | 36372 | 1.3% | |
213 | 31816 | 1.1% | |
221 | 8093 | 0.3% | |
222 | 41516 | 1.5% | |
223 | 9715 | 0.3% | |
231 | 25045 | 0.9% | |
232 | 19292 | 0.7% | |
233 | 30521 | 1.1% | |
234 | 23016 | 0.8% | |
235 | 15722 | 0.6% | |
236 | 17800 | 0.6% | |
241 | 34258 | 1.2% | |
242 | 26674 | 1.0% | |
243 | 6356 | 0.2% | |
244 | 2939 | 0.1% | |
245 | 27462 | 1.0% | |
251 | 3657 | 0.1% | |
261 | 4941 | 0.2% | |
271 | 53104 | 1.9% | |
272 | 53718 | 1.9% | |
273 | 26800 | 1.0% | |
274 | 36158 | 1.3% | |
275 | 39645 | 1.4% | |
276 | 14243 | 0.5% | |
281 | 38606 | 1.4% | |
282 | 32415 | 1.2% | |
283 | 50581 | 1.8% | |
284 | 28061 | 1.0% | |
285 | 33349 | 1.2% | |
291 | 10824 | 0.4% | |
292 | 11535 | 0.4% | |
293 | 42023 | 1.5% | |
294 | 48738 | 1.8% | |
301 | 12468 | 0.4% | |
311 | 4641 | 0.2% | |
321 | 50865 | 1.8% | |
322 | 69648 | 2.5% | |
331 | 52548 | 1.9% | |
332 | 33207 | 1.2% | |
333 | 48304 | 1.7% | |
334 | 44081 | 1.6% | |
341 | 15564 | 0.6% | |
351 | 14593 | 0.5% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.