India - Survey on Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) July-June 2010-11, NSS 67th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SUNAE-2010-v1.0 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 25, 2019
Page views
- Block-1-Identificati
on of sample enterpr
ise-Records - Block-2-particulars
of operation and bac
kground information
of enterprises-recor
ds - Block-2dot1- Activit
ies pursued by enter
prises-records - Block-3-Principal ex
penses of enterprise
s - Block-4-Other operat
ing expenses-records - Bloxk-5-- Principal
receipts-records - Block-6 and7 -other
receipts-gross value
added-records - Block-8-Employment p
articulars-records - Block-9-Compensation
to workers-records - Block-10-Fixed asset
s-records - Block-11-loan outsta
nding-records - Block-12-factor inco
mes-records - Block-13-Use of ICT-
records - Block-14-field opera
Item Code (501 - 639)
File: Bloxk-5-- Principal receipts-records
File: Bloxk-5-- Principal receipts-records
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Value | Category |
501 | manufacturing activity (NIC-08 Div. 10-33, 01632) : main products and by-products manufactured -1 |
502 | manufacturing activity (NIC-08 Div. 10-33, 01632) : main products and by-products manufactured -2 |
503 | manufacturing activity (NIC-08 Div. 10-33, 01632) : main products and by-products manufactured -3 |
504 | manufacturing activity (NIC-08 Div. 10-33, 01632) : main products and by-products manufactured -4 |
505 | other products/ by-products |
506 | sale value of the goods sold in the same condition as purchased |
509 | sub-total (items 501 to 506) |
511 | opening stock of semi-finished goods |
512 | closing stock of semi-finished goods |
513 | changes in stock of semi-finished goods (item 512 - item 511) |
519 | total (item 509 + item 513) |
521 | trading activity (NIC-08 Div. 45-47) :main commodities sold-1 |
522 | trading activity (NIC-08 Div. 45-47) :main commodities sold-2 |
523 | trading activity (NIC-08 Div. 45-47) :main commodities sold-3 |
524 | trading activity (NIC-08 Div. 45-47) :main commodities sold-4 |
525 | other commodities sold |
529 | sub-total (items 521 to 525) |
531 | opening stock of trading goods |
532 | closing stock of trading goods |
533 | changes in stock of trading goods (item 532 - item 531) |
539 | total (item 529 +item 533) |
541 | transportation activities (NIC-08 Groups 492, 501, 502, excluding 49212, 49213): earnings from passenger traffic |
542 | transportation activities (NIC-08 Groups 492, 501, 502, excluding 49212, 49213): earnings from goods traffic |
549 | total (items 541 to 542) |
551 | warehousing and support activities for transportation (NIC-08 Div. 52):storage charges received |
552 | warehousing and support activities for transportation (NIC-08 Div. 52):service charges received for support activities for transportation |
559 | total (items 551 to 552) |
561 | postal and courier activities (NIC-08 Div. 53):charges received from customers for postal and courier activities |
562 | Others |
569 | total (items 561 to 562) |
571 | accommodation and food service activities (NIC-08 Div. 55-56): lodging charges, rent receivable for hiring out rooms and halls for functions, conferences and receipts from services provided like transport / travel arrangements, laundry services, gym, spa |
572 | accommodation and food service activities (NIC-08 Div. 55-56):receipts from sale of prepared food, refreshment and drinks |
573 | accommodation and food service activities (NIC-08 Div. 55-56):receipts from trading of purchased food, refreshment, drinks, etc. |
574 | accommodation and food service activities (NIC-08 Div. 55-56): receipts from catering services outside |
579 | total (items 571 to 574) |
581 | information and communications (NIC-08 Div. 58-63):charges receivable from customers (STD / ISD / courier/ fax / internet etc.) |
582 | other receipts |
589 | total (items 581 to 582) |
591 | financial and insurance activities (NIC-08 Groups 643, 649, Div. 65, 66 ):interest receipts (cash and kind) |
592 | financial and insurance activities (NIC-08 Groups 643, 649, Div. 65, 66 ): dividend receipts |
593 | financial and insurance activities (NIC-08 Groups 643, 649, Div. 65, 66 ): lease income |
594 | financial and insurance activities (NIC-08 Groups 643, 649, Div. 65, 66 ):brokerage and commission |
595 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85):net profit in share dealing |
596 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85): income earned on chit funds |
597 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85):net earnings from hire purchase finance |
598 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85): premium received |
601 | supplementary premium received |
602 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85): others (e.g. consultancy, receipts from non-financial activities, if any) |
609 | total (items 591 to 602) |
611 | real estate activities (NIC-08 Div. 68): receipts from services provided (including rent on land and building) |
612 | real estate activities (NIC-08 Div. 68):brokerage and commission charges |
619 | total (items 611 to 612) |
621 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85): tuition fees |
622 | educational activity (NIC-08 Div. 85)11-09-2012 : other fees (including development fees, transport fees, laboratory fees, examination fees, fines, library fee, etc.) |
623 | funding/ donations from individuals and non-govt. institutions |
629 | total (items 621 to 623) |
631 | human health and social work activity (NIC-08 Div. 86-88): consultation fees and charges for medicines |
632 | human health and social work activity (NIC-08 Div. 86-88): charges for operation theatre, and other special procedures |
633 | charges for ward, cabin, pathological, radiological and other diagnostic tests, diet, nursing, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, etc |
634 | fees for training (nurses, paraprofessionals, etc.) |
635 | donations/ grants from individuals and institutions |
639 | total (items 631 to 635) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
See instruction manual for details