India - Household Consumer Expenditure Type-1, July 2009 - June 2010, NSS 66th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-NSSO-66-SCHEDULE-1.0T1 |
Year | 2009 - 2010 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office,NSSO - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of Indis - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
1.0 2011-05-23
The 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) of NSS is earmarked for survey on 'Household Consumer Expenditure' and 'Employment and Unemployment'. The survey on 'household consumer expenditure' is the eighth quinquennial survey in the series, the last one being conducted in the 61st round (2004-2005) of NSS.The period of survey was one year from 1st July 2009 to 30th June 2010. The survey period of this round divided into four sub-rounds of three months' duration each as follows:
sub-round 1 : July - September 2009
sub-round 2 : October - December 2009
sub-round 3 : January - March 2010
sub-round 4 : April - June 2010
In each of these four sub-rounds equal number of sample villages/ blocks (FSUs) allotted for survey with a view to ensuring uniform spread of sample FSUs over the entire survey period.
Household Consumer Expenditure
The programme of quinquennial surveys on consumer expenditure and employment & unemployment has been adopted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) since 1972-73. Under the programme, the survey on consumer expenditure provides a time series of household consumer expenditure data, which is the prime source of statistical indicators of level of living, social consumption and well-being, and the inequalities thereof. Apart from the quinquennial series (QS), there also exists an “annual series”, comprising consumer expenditure surveys conducted in the intervening periods between QS rounds - starting from the 42nd round (July 1986 - June 1987) and using a smaller sample.
Household consumer expenditure (HCE) during a specified period, called the reference period, may be defined as the total of the following:
(a) expenditure incurred by households on consumption goods and services during the reference period
(b) imputed value of goods and services produced as outputs of household (proprietary or partnership) enterprises owned by households and used by their members themselves during the reference period
(c) imputed value of goods and services received by households as remuneration in kind during the reference period
(d) imputed value of goods and services received by households through social transfers in kind received from government units or non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and used by households during the reference period.
Reference period and schedule type: The reference period is the period of time to which the information collected relates. In NSS surveys, the reference period often varies from item to item. Data collected with different reference periods are known to exhibit certain systematic differences. In this round, two schedule types have been drawn up to study these differences in detail. Sample households will be divided into two sets - Schedule Type 1 will be canvassed in one set and Schedule Type 2 in the other. The reference periods to be used for different groups of consumption items are given below, separately for each schedule type.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Households and Persons
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
Identification of sample household | Identification of State,District,Tahsil,Village,Head of Household,etc | |
Household Characteristics | Characterisctiscs of HH like-Hosehold size,NCO,NIC,Religion,Social, Group,MPCE,etc | |
Demographic and other particulars of household members | Contain members detals of household | |
Consumption of food, pan, tobacco and intoxicants during the last 30 days | Consumption pattern of food and other items in 30 days | |
Consumption of fuel for cooking, lighting and other purposes excluding conveyance during the last 30 days | Use of fuel for cooking,lighting and other purposes during last 30 days | |
Consumption of clothing, bedding, etc. during the last 365 days | Consumption of clothing, bedding, etc. during the last 365 days | |
Consumption of footwear during the last 365 days | Consumption of footwear during the last 365 days | |
Expenditure on education and medical (institutional) goods and services during the last 365 days | Expediture on Education and Medical | |
Expenditure on miscellaneous goods and services including medical (non-institutional), rents and taxes during the last 30 days | Expenditure on miscellaneous goods and services including medical (non-institutional), rents and taxes during the last 30 days | |
Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use during the last 365 | Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use during the last 365 |
The survey covered the whole of the Indian Union except (i) interior villages of Nagaland situated beyond five kilometres of the bus route and (ii) villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which remain inaccessible throughout the year.For Leh (Ladakh) and Kargil districts of Jammu & Kashmir there will be no separate sample first-stage units (FSUs) for 'central sample'. For these two districts, sample FSUs drawn as 'state sample' also treated as central sample.
Households and members of the household
Producers and Sponsors
Name | Affiliation |
National Sample Survey Office,NSSO | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Sample Survey Organization | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of Indis | MOSPI |
Metadata Production
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
National Sample Survey Office | NSSO | Ministry of Statistics & P.I |