India - Participation and Expenditure in Education, 2007-08, 64th Round
Reference ID | Schedule 25.2 |
Year | 2007 - 2008 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. Of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block-1 & 2 Iden
tification of sample
household - Block-3 Household ch
aracteristics - Block-4 Demographic
and other particular
s of household membe
rs - Block-5 Education pa
rticulars of those a
ged 5-29 years who a
re currently attendi
ng primary level and
above - Block-6 Particulars
of private expenditu
re for those aged 5-
29 yearts who are cu
rrently attending at
primary level and a
bove - Block-7 Particulars
of currently not att
ending persons aged
5-29 years
File: Block-5 Education particulars of those aged 5-29 years who are currently attending primary level and above
File: Block-5 Education particulars of those aged 5-29 years who are currently attending primary level and above
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 94519 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Value | Category | Cases | |
01 | general course (upto class X) | 81510 | ![]() |
02 | arts/humanities | 6263 | ![]() |
03 | science | 2636 | ![]() |
04 | commerce | 1654 | ![]() |
05 | medicine | 124 | ![]() |
06 | engineering | 595 | ![]() |
07 | agriculture | 46 | ![]() |
08 | law | 47 | ![]() |
10 | management | 151 | ![]() |
11 | education | 139 | ![]() |
12 | chartered accountancy and similar courses | 40 | ![]() |
13 | IT/computer courses: at basic level | 72 | ![]() |
14 | IT/computer courses : With minimum entry requirement second | 418 | ![]() |
15 | IT/computer courses : With minimum entry requirement graduat | 275 | ![]() |
16 | IT/computer courses : With minimum entry requirement post g | 38 | ![]() |
17 | IT/computer courses, others | 53 | ![]() |
18 | vocational | 257 | ![]() |
19 | others | 201 | ![]() |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
The course indicates the broad subject for which the person is currently attending. The definition of course
should be in accordance with that given in paragraph 1.7.22.The codes for this item is as follows :
Course: A course is a) a structured educational programme having a specified syllabus, duration, level, etc.
and it should b) necessarily involves appearing in some kind of examination/performance appraisal for getting
the degree/diploma/certificate or advancing to the next class/level. Depending upon the subjects covered and
the mode of instruction, the courses can be categorised broadly as (a) general, (b) technical/professional
and (c) vocational. For the purpose of this survey, only those courses covered under the definition of
'education' as below shall be considered.
For the purpose of this survey, 'education' will cover only the following:
I. School education including those under Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) commencing from class I to X
or XII, as the case may be, irrespective of the recognition status of the educational institution,
II. Higher secondary / Pre-university education leading to certificate/ diploma/ degree etc. It also includes
enrolment in private unrecognised institutions, which have regular classes and following the syllabus and
pattern of the education as in recognised schools or colleges and which sponsor students for public
examinations as private or external candidates,
III. General University education, whether full time or part time, leading to certificate/ diploma/ degree etc. The
Universities not recognised by University Grant Commission will not be covered,
IV. Correspondence courses conducted by Universities, Deemed Universities or Institutions, authorised by
competent authorities for awarding regular degrees or diplomas or certificates,
V. Higher secondary / Pre-university / Under-graduate/ Post-graduate / Professional/ Technical education
leading to certificate/diploma/degree etc. conducted by recognised open university/schools,
VI. Technical or Professional courses, leading to degree/diploma/certificates, conducted by Universities,
Deemed Universities or institutes like, National Institute of Fashion Technology, National School of Drama,
Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Film and Television Institute of India, Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan
National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, etc. or Institutions, authorised by competent authorities
like All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), Medical Council of India (MCI) etc.,
VII. Professional courses conducted by Institutes like The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The
Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Actuarial
Society of India, etc.,
VIII. All types of vocational courses of duration three months or more
· , conducted by Institutions like Industrial Training Institute (ITI), National Vocational Training Institute, Regional
Vocational Training Institutes,etc., authorised by competent authorities
IX. All the courses at primary level and above, whether recognised or not, conducted by recognised
educational institutions and which are not covered under above-mentioned categories.
The following courses shall be specifically excluded:
· Art, music and similar type of courses conducted by individuals in their houses or unrecognised/ unaffiliated
· Classes taken by Private tutors,
· Education in nursery/Kindergartens/Preparatory levels except for their enrolment statuses and dropout /
discontinuance statuses
· .
· The non-formal system of education being implemented through various programs by government or other
agencies except for their enrolment statuses and dropout / discontinuance statuses
· .
The course code is as below :
General course (upto class X) ...01
Arts/Humanities ...............02
Science ...........................03
Commerce ...............04
Medicine ...........................05
Engineering ...............06
Agriculture ...............07
Law ...........................08
Management ...............10
Education ...........................11
Chartered Accountancy and similar courses ...12
IT/computer courses:
At basic level ...............13
With minimum entry requirement secondary/higher
secondary .............…14
With minimum entry requirement graduation ...........................15
With minimum entry requirement post graduation ...........................16
Others ...............17
vocational ...............18
others ...............19
For school education upto class X for which generally no specialisation is available code 01 will be given. .
Here the term is restricted upto the education in class X. After class X the courses can be coded according
to the broad classification as above. Arts and humanities i.e code 02 is applicable for broad subjects like
History, Classical studies, Cultural and Media studies, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Popular Culture,
Geography etc. Science i.e code '03' is applicable for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematical
Sciences, Biological Sciences, Geology, Economics etc. However, for subjects like Geography, Economics
etc. it should be verified that whether that subject is treated as science or arts in the institute, where the
member is studying. For subjects related to Commerce, code '04' is applicable. Codes '05' and '06' are
applicable to subjects related to Medical Sciences and Engineering, respectively. Subjects like Apicultures,
Sericulture, Agricultural philosophy, Aquaculture, Agronomy and Horticulture, Soil science, etc. should be
covered under Agriculture i.e Code '07'. Codes '08' and '10' are applicable to subjects related to Law and
Management, respectively. Code '11' is for Education, which covers subjects related to the profession of
teaching. Code '12' relates to subjects like Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accountancy, Company
Secretariate, etc. Keeping in view the large number of persons participating in Information Technology (IT)
courses, details about such courses will be collected appropriately in codes 14 to 17 on the basis of the
eligibility criteria for admission in such courses. All the vocational courses excluding those relating to IT
should be given code 18. Others should be coded as 19
should be in accordance with that given in paragraph 1.7.22.The codes for this item is as follows :
Course: A course is a) a structured educational programme having a specified syllabus, duration, level, etc.
and it should b) necessarily involves appearing in some kind of examination/performance appraisal for getting
the degree/diploma/certificate or advancing to the next class/level. Depending upon the subjects covered and
the mode of instruction, the courses can be categorised broadly as (a) general, (b) technical/professional
and (c) vocational. For the purpose of this survey, only those courses covered under the definition of
'education' as below shall be considered.
For the purpose of this survey, 'education' will cover only the following:
I. School education including those under Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) commencing from class I to X
or XII, as the case may be, irrespective of the recognition status of the educational institution,
II. Higher secondary / Pre-university education leading to certificate/ diploma/ degree etc. It also includes
enrolment in private unrecognised institutions, which have regular classes and following the syllabus and
pattern of the education as in recognised schools or colleges and which sponsor students for public
examinations as private or external candidates,
III. General University education, whether full time or part time, leading to certificate/ diploma/ degree etc. The
Universities not recognised by University Grant Commission will not be covered,
IV. Correspondence courses conducted by Universities, Deemed Universities or Institutions, authorised by
competent authorities for awarding regular degrees or diplomas or certificates,
V. Higher secondary / Pre-university / Under-graduate/ Post-graduate / Professional/ Technical education
leading to certificate/diploma/degree etc. conducted by recognised open university/schools,
VI. Technical or Professional courses, leading to degree/diploma/certificates, conducted by Universities,
Deemed Universities or institutes like, National Institute of Fashion Technology, National School of Drama,
Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Film and Television Institute of India, Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan
National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, etc. or Institutions, authorised by competent authorities
like All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), Medical Council of India (MCI) etc.,
VII. Professional courses conducted by Institutes like The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The
Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Actuarial
Society of India, etc.,
VIII. All types of vocational courses of duration three months or more
· , conducted by Institutions like Industrial Training Institute (ITI), National Vocational Training Institute, Regional
Vocational Training Institutes,etc., authorised by competent authorities
IX. All the courses at primary level and above, whether recognised or not, conducted by recognised
educational institutions and which are not covered under above-mentioned categories.
The following courses shall be specifically excluded:
· Art, music and similar type of courses conducted by individuals in their houses or unrecognised/ unaffiliated
· Classes taken by Private tutors,
· Education in nursery/Kindergartens/Preparatory levels except for their enrolment statuses and dropout /
discontinuance statuses
· .
· The non-formal system of education being implemented through various programs by government or other
agencies except for their enrolment statuses and dropout / discontinuance statuses
· .
The course code is as below :
General course (upto class X) ...01
Arts/Humanities ...............02
Science ...........................03
Commerce ...............04
Medicine ...........................05
Engineering ...............06
Agriculture ...............07
Law ...........................08
Management ...............10
Education ...........................11
Chartered Accountancy and similar courses ...12
IT/computer courses:
At basic level ...............13
With minimum entry requirement secondary/higher
secondary .............…14
With minimum entry requirement graduation ...........................15
With minimum entry requirement post graduation ...........................16
Others ...............17
vocational ...............18
others ...............19
For school education upto class X for which generally no specialisation is available code 01 will be given. .
Here the term is restricted upto the education in class X. After class X the courses can be coded according
to the broad classification as above. Arts and humanities i.e code 02 is applicable for broad subjects like
History, Classical studies, Cultural and Media studies, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Popular Culture,
Geography etc. Science i.e code '03' is applicable for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematical
Sciences, Biological Sciences, Geology, Economics etc. However, for subjects like Geography, Economics
etc. it should be verified that whether that subject is treated as science or arts in the institute, where the
member is studying. For subjects related to Commerce, code '04' is applicable. Codes '05' and '06' are
applicable to subjects related to Medical Sciences and Engineering, respectively. Subjects like Apicultures,
Sericulture, Agricultural philosophy, Aquaculture, Agronomy and Horticulture, Soil science, etc. should be
covered under Agriculture i.e Code '07'. Codes '08' and '10' are applicable to subjects related to Law and
Management, respectively. Code '11' is for Education, which covers subjects related to the profession of
teaching. Code '12' relates to subjects like Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accountancy, Company
Secretariate, etc. Keeping in view the large number of persons participating in Information Technology (IT)
courses, details about such courses will be collected appropriately in codes 14 to 17 on the basis of the
eligibility criteria for admission in such courses. All the vocational courses excluding those relating to IT
should be given code 18. Others should be coded as 19