India - Service Sector in India 2006-07, NSS 63rd round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SSI-2006-v1.0 |
Year | 2006 - 2007 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO - Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implimentation, Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and Program Implimentation - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
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Sampling Procedure
Outline of sample design:
Two frames have been used for the 63rd round survey viz. List frame and Area frame.
List frame:
A list of 1000 service sector companies distributed all over India has been used as list frame. The list of financial sector enterprises has been supplied by RBI. For the other service sector enterprises the list has been supplied by the Ministry of Company Affairs. For all the companies in the list frame, information will be collected considering all the branch offices. A combined schedule 2.345 is to be filled up for the list frame companies covering all the branches.All these companies in the list frame will be surveyed. However, these companies and their branch offices will be excluded from the coverage of the area frame survey to avoid duplication.There is no sub-round restriction for the list frame units. All the enterprises in the list frame are common to both central and state samples.The list frame units will be surveyed by the central agency only. Validated data regarding list frame units will besupplied by DPD to the respective State agencies.
Area frame:
A stratified multi-stage design has been adopted for the 63rd round survey. The first stage units (FSU) will be the 2001 census villages (Panchayat wards in case of Kerala) in the rural sector and Urban Frame Survey (UFS) blocks in the urban sector. In addition, for the newly declared towns and out growths (OGs) in census 2001 for which UFS has not yet been done, a separate list has been prepared and these list has been used as a frame for such towns and OGs in urban sector. For these towns and OGs the whole town/ OG will be considered as FSU. The ultimate stage units (USU) will be households/ service sector enterprises, in both the sectors. In the case of large villages/ towns/ blocks requiring hamlet-group (hg)/ sub-block (sb) formation, one intermediate stage will be the selection of hgs/ sbs from each FSU.
The list of villages as per census 2001 has been used as frame for the rural sector.
In the urban sector, three kinds of frames have been used:
(a) For the 27 towns with population 10 lakhs or more (as per Census 2001), EC-98 has been used as frame.
(b) For other UFS towns, the latest available list of UFS blocks has been used as frame.
(c) For non-UFS towns list of such towns/ OGs has been used as frame.
Stratification: Within each district of a State/ UT, two basic strata have been formed:
i) rural stratum comprising of all rural areas of the district and (ii) urban stratum comprising of all the urban areas of the district. However, if there are one or more towns with population 10 lakhs or more as per population census 2001 in a district, each of them will also form a separate basic stratum and the remaining urban areas of the district will be considered as another basic stratum. There are 27 towns with population 10 lakhs or more at all- India level as per census 2001. Sub-stratification for area frame:
Total sample size: 13997 FSUs for area frame and 1000 service sector companies for list frame have been allocated at all-India level for central sample on the basis of investigator strength. For state sample, 16892 FSUs have been allocated for area frame.
For Detailed on Sampling procedure refereed to External Resource , page number A5 of Note on Sample Design and Estimation Procedure
Deviations from Sample Design
There was no deviation from the original sampling design
WGT- Multiplier has been provided along with NS Count for sub-sample and combined. The weighting factor has been computed as posted in each record as per the following formula:
and HHMLT=MLT/200 if NSS!=NSC;