India - Household Consumer Expenditure, July 2005 - June 2006, NSS 62nd Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-62Rnd-Sch1.0-2005-06 |
Year | 2005 - 2006 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,2_Identific
ation of Sample Hous
ehold - Block 3_Household Ch
aracteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
food and non food i
tems - Block 6_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
fuel and light - Block 7_Household ex
penditure on clothin
g, bedding etc - Block 8_Household ex
penditure on footwea
r - Block 9_Household ex
penditure on educati
on and medical (inst
itutional) goods and
services - Block 10_ Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc goods and se
rvices - Block 11_Household e
xpenditure on durabl
Variable Groups
Second Stage Stratum
File: Blocks 1,2_Identification of Sample Household
File: Blocks 1,2_Identification of Sample Household
Discrete Format: character Width: 1 | Valid cases: 39436 Invalid: 0 |
Formation of second-stage strata and allocation of households:
All the households listed in the selected village/ block/ segments were stratified into two second-stage strata (SSS) on the basis of land possessed by households in rural areas and household MPCE in urban areas, as follows.
For the rural sector, a cut-off point 'X' (in hectares) was determined at State/UT level from NSS 48th round data in such a way that the top 20% of rural households in the State/UT, according to the estimates from that round, possessed land equal to or more than X. All the listed households possessing land less than X were placed in SSS 1 and the rest in SSS 2.
Similarly, in the urban sector, a cut-off point 'A' (in Rs.) was determined at State/ UT level from NSS 55th round data for each NSS region in such a way that the top 20% of the households, according to the estimates from that round, had MPCE
equal to or more than 'A'. All the listed households with MPCE less than 'A' were placed in SSS 1 and the rest in SSS 2.
All the households listed in the selected village/ block/ segments were stratified into two second-stage strata (SSS) on the basis of land possessed by households in rural areas and household MPCE in urban areas, as follows.
For the rural sector, a cut-off point 'X' (in hectares) was determined at State/UT level from NSS 48th round data in such a way that the top 20% of rural households in the State/UT, according to the estimates from that round, possessed land equal to or more than X. All the listed households possessing land less than X were placed in SSS 1 and the rest in SSS 2.
Similarly, in the urban sector, a cut-off point 'A' (in Rs.) was determined at State/ UT level from NSS 55th round data for each NSS region in such a way that the top 20% of the households, according to the estimates from that round, had MPCE
equal to or more than 'A'. All the listed households with MPCE less than 'A' were placed in SSS 1 and the rest in SSS 2.
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Second Stage Stratum
Interviewer instructions
Second stage stratum: This item will be copied from the heading of column (11) or (12) of block 5a of Schedule 0.0.