India - Household Consumer Expenditure, July 2005 - June 2006, NSS 62nd Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-62Rnd-Sch1.0-2005-06 |
Year | 2005 - 2006 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Blocks 1,2_Identific
ation of Sample Hous
ehold - Block 3_Household Ch
aracteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
food and non food i
tems - Block 6_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
fuel and light - Block 7_Household ex
penditure on clothin
g, bedding etc - Block 8_Household ex
penditure on footwea
r - Block 9_Household ex
penditure on educati
on and medical (inst
itutional) goods and
services - Block 10_ Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc goods and se
rvices - Block 11_Household e
xpenditure on durabl
Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Blocks 1,2_Identification of Sample Household | These blocks contains data for identification of the sample household. Particulars of field operations are also available in these blocks. | 39436 | 32 |
Block 3_Household Characteristics | This block contains data on various household characteristics. | 39436 | 42 |
Block 4_Person records | Demographic and other particulars of the household members are available in this block. | 190022 | 38 |
Block 5_Monthly household expenditure on food and non food items | This block contains information on consumption of cereals, pulses, milk, sugar and salt by the household during a reference period of 30 days preceding the date of survey. | 1889174 | 28 |
Block 6_Monthly household expenditure on fuel and light | This block contains data on consumption of fuel & light by the household during the last 30 days preceding the date of survey. | 201946 | 28 |
Block 7_Household expenditure on clothing, bedding etc | This block contains data on consumption of clothing, bedding etc. by the household during the last 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 348850 | 27 |
Block 8_Household expenditure on footwear | This block contains data on household expenditure on footwear by the household during the last 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 123087 | 27 |
Block 9_Household expenditure on education and medical (institutional) goods and services | This block contains data on expenditure on education and medical (institutional) goods and services by the household during the last 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 138669 | 26 |
Block 10_ Monthly household expenditure on misc goods and services | This block contains data on expenditure on miscellaneous goods and services including medical (non-institutional), rents and taxes by the household during the last 30 days preceding the date of survey. | 810313 | 26 |
Block 11_Household expenditure on durables | This block contains data on expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use by the household during the last 365 days preceding the date of survey. | 442842 | 33 |