India - Survey on Morbidity and Health Care January - June 2004, NSS 60th Round
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-SMHC-2004-v1.0 |
Year | 2004 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - Ministry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Block-1-Iidentificat
ords - Block-3-socio-econom
ousehold-records - Block-4-Demographic-
records - Block-5-particulars-
of-deaths-records - Block-6-aged-persons
-records - Block-7-members-medi
ulkars-records - Block-8-part-1-treat
ys-members-records - Block-8-part-2-treat
ys-members-records - Block-8-part-3--re-i
cords - Block-8-part-4--tota
ousehold-ecords - Block-9- ailments-me
mbers- records - Block-10-part-1-trea
ys-members-records - Block-10-part-2--tre
ays-members-records - Block-10-part-3--tre
ays-members-records - Block-10-part-4--tre
sehold-records - Block-11-immunisatio
FOD Sub-Region
File: Block-11-immunisation-children-pre-natal-post-natal-care-women-records
File: Block-11-immunisation-children-pre-natal-post-natal-care-women-records
Discrete Format: character Width: 4 | Valid cases: 0 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category |
0000 | 0000 |
0007 | 0007 |
0021 | 0021 |
0032 | 0032 |
0055 | 0055 |
0110 | 0110 |
0111 | 0111 |
0120 | 0120 |
0121 | 0121 |
0122 | 0122 |
0169 | 0169 |
0193 | 0193 |
0201 | 0201 |
0210 | 0210 |
0211 | 0211 |
0212 | 0212 |
0213 | 0213 |
0281 | 0281 |
0283 | 0283 |
0310 | 0310 |
0311 | 0311 |
0312 | 0312 |
0313 | 0313 |
0320 | 0320 |
0321 | 0321 |
0322 | 0322 |
0510 | 0510 |
0511 | 0511 |
0512 | 0512 |
0610 | 0610 |
0611 | 0611 |
0612 | 0612 |
0613 | 0613 |
0614 | 0614 |
0615 | 0615 |
0710 | 0710 |
0801 | 0801 |
0810 | 0810 |
0811 | 0811 |
0812 | 0812 |
0820 | 0820 |
0821 | 0821 |
0822 | 0822 |
0823 | 0823 |
0910 | 0910 |
0911 | 0911 |
0912 | 0912 |
0913 | 0913 |
0920 | 0920 |
0921 | 0921 |
0922 | 0922 |
0923 | 0923 |
0924 | 0924 |
0930 | 0930 |
0931 | 0931 |
0932 | 0932 |
0940 | 0940 |
0941 | 0941 |
0942 | 0942 |
0943 | 0943 |
0944 | 0944 |
0970 | 0970 |
0991 | 0991 |
1010 | 1010 |
1011 | 1011 |
1012 | 1012 |
1013 | 1013 |
1020 | 1020 |
1021 | 1021 |
1022 | 1022 |
1110 | 1110 |
1111 | 1111 |
1113 | 1113 |
1210 | 1210 |
1310 | 1310 |
1311 | 1311 |
1321 | 1321 |
1510 | 1510 |
1610 | 1610 |
1710 | 1710 |
1711 | 1711 |
1810 | 1810 |
1811 | 1811 |
1812 | 1812 |
1813 | 1813 |
1820 | 1820 |
1821 | 1821 |
1822 | 1822 |
1910 | 1910 |
1911 | 1911 |
1912 | 1912 |
1913 | 1913 |
1920 | 1920 |
1921 | 1921 |
1922 | 1922 |
1930 | 1930 |
1931 | 1931 |
1932 | 1932 |
1982 | 1982 |
1991 | 1991 |
1992 | 1992 |
2010 | 2010 |
2011 | 2011 |
2012 | 2012 |
2013 | 2013 |
2080 | 2080 |
2100 | 2100 |
2110 | 2110 |
2111 | 2111 |
2112 | 2112 |
2113 | 2113 |
2120 | 2120 |
2121 | 2121 |
2210 | 2210 |
2211 | 2211 |
2212 | 2212 |
2213 | 2213 |
2310 | 2310 |
2311 | 2311 |
2312 | 2312 |
2313 | 2313 |
2320 | 2320 |
2321 | 2321 |
2322 | 2322 |
2323 | 2323 |
2324 | 2324 |
2330 | 2330 |
2331 | 2331 |
2332 | 2332 |
2410 | 2410 |
2411 | 2411 |
2412 | 2412 |
2413 | 2413 |
2414 | 2414 |
2420 | 2420 |
2421 | 2421 |
2422 | 2422 |
2423 | 2423 |
2424 | 2424 |
2710 | 2710 |
2711 | 2711 |
2712 | 2712 |
2713 | 2713 |
2720 | 2720 |
2721 | 2721 |
2730 | 2730 |
2731 | 2731 |
2732 | 2732 |
2740 | 2740 |
2741 | 2741 |
2742 | 2742 |
2810 | 2810 |
2811 | 2811 |
2812 | 2812 |
2813 | 2813 |
2814 | 2814 |
2820 | 2820 |
2821 | 2821 |
2822 | 2822 |
2823 | 2823 |
2830 | 2830 |
2831 | 2831 |
2832 | 2832 |
2910 | 2910 |
2911 | 2911 |
2912 | 2912 |
2913 | 2913 |
2920 | 2920 |
2921 | 2921 |
2922 | 2922 |
2923 | 2923 |
3010 | 3010 |
3210 | 3210 |
3211 | 3211 |
3212 | 3212 |
3213 | 3213 |
3220 | 3220 |
3221 | 3221 |
3222 | 3222 |
3223 | 3223 |
3310 | 3310 |
3311 | 3311 |
3312 | 3312 |
3313 | 3313 |
3320 | 3320 |
3321 | 3321 |
3322 | 3322 |
3323 | 3323 |
3330 | 3330 |
3331 | 3331 |
3332 | 3332 |
3333 | 3333 |
3510 | 3510 |
4631 | 4631 |
9940 | 9940 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.