India - Debt & Investment, Jan - Dec 2003, NSS 59th Round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-59Rnd-Sch18pt2-Jan-Dec2003 |
Year | 2003 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Jan 18, 2018
Last modified
Mar 27, 2019
Page views
- Visit 1_Blocks 1&
;2_Identification of
sample household - Visit 1_Block 3_Hous
ehold characteristic
s - Visit 1_Block 4_demo
graphic and other pa
rticulars of househo
ld members - Visit 1_Block 5_land
owned by the househ
old as on the date o
f survey and related
transactions during
01-07-2002 to date
of survey - Visit 1_Block 6 part
1_buildings and oth
er constructions own
ed by the household
on date of survey an
d related transactio
ns during 01-07-2002
to date of survey - Visit 1_Block 6 part
2_buildings and oth
er constructions own
ed by the household
on date of survey an
d related transactio
ns during 01-07-2002
to date of survey - Visit 1_Block 7_live
stock and poultry ow
ned by the household
on the date of surv
ey and related trans
actions during 01-07
-2002 to date of sur
vey - Visit 1_Block 8_agri
cultural machinery a
nd implement owned b
y the household as o
n the date of survey
and related transac
tions - Visit 1_Block 9_non-
farm business equipm
ent owned by the hou
sehold as on date of
survey and related
transactions - Visit 1_Block 10_tra
nsport equipment own
ed by the household
as on the date of su
rvey and related tna
nsactions - Visit 1_Block 11_dur
able assets owned by
the household as on
the date of survey
and related transact
ions - Visit 1_Block 12_sha
res & debentures
owned by the househ
old in co operative
societies & comp
anies as on the date
of survey and relat
ed transactions - Visit 1_Block 13_fin
ancial assets other
than shares & de
bentures owned by th
e household as on th
e date of survey and
related transaction
s - Visit 1_Block 14_cas
h loans and kind loa
ns receivable by hou
sehold against diffe
rent securities or h
eads on the date of
survey and related t
ransactions - Visit 1_Block 15pt1_
number of cash loans
of the household ou
tstanding as on date
of survey and numbe
r of loans fully rep
aid or written off - Visit 1_Block 15pt2
part 1_particulars o
f cash loans payable
by the household to
institutional or no
n-institutional agen
cies as on the date
of survey and transa
ctions of loans - Visit 1_Block 15pt2
part 2_particulars o
f cash loans payable
by the household to
institutional or no
n-institutional agen
cies as on the date
of survey and transa
ctions of loans - Visit 1_Block 16_kin
d loans and other li
abilities payable by
the household - Visit 1_Block 17pt1_
specified items on w
hich household incur
red expenditure - Visit 1_Block 17pt2_
expenditure incurred
by the household on
specified items - Visit 1_Block 18_Par
ticulars of sale and
loss of assets duri
ng 01-07-2002 to 31-
12-2002 - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Blocks 1&2_
Identification of sa
mple household - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 3_Househo
ld characteristics - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 4_demogra
phic and other parti
culars of household
members - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 5_land ow
ned by the household
as on the date of s
urvey and related tr
ansactions during 01
-07-2002 to date of
survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 6 part 1_
buildings and other
constructions owned
by the household on
date of survey and r
elated transactions
during 01-07-2002 to
date of survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 6 part 2_
buildings and other
constructions owned
by the household on
date of survey and r
elated transactions
during 01-07-2002 to
date of survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 7_livesto
ck and poultry owned
by the household on
the date of survey
and related transact
ions during 01-07-20
02 to date of survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 8_agricul
tural machinery and
implement owned by t
he household as on t
he date of survey an
d related transactio
ns - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 9_non-far
m business equipment
owned by the househ
old as on date of su
rvey and related tra
nsactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 10_transp
ort equipment owned
by the household as
on the date of surve
y and related tnansa
ctions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 11_durabl
e assets owned by th
e household as on th
e date of survey and
related transaction
s - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 12_shares
& debentures ow
ned by the household
in co operative soc
ieties & compani
es as on the date of
survey and related
transactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 13_financ
ial assets other tha
n shares & deben
tures owned by the h
ousehold as on the d
ate of survey and re
lated transactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 14_cash l
oans and kind loans
receivable by househ
old against differen
t securities or head
s on the date of sur
vey and related tran
sactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 15pt1_num
ber of cash loans of
the household outst
anding as on date of
survey and number o
f loans fully repaid
or written off - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 15pt2 par
t 1_particulars of c
ash loans payable by
the household to in
stitutional or non-i
nstitutional agencie
s as on the date of
survey and transacti
ons of loans - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 15pt2 par
t 2_particulars of c
ash loans payable by
the household to in
stitutional or non-i
nstitutional agencie
s as on the date of
survey and transacti
ons of loans - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 16_kind l
oans and other liabi
lities payable by th
e household - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 17pt1_spe
cified items on whic
h household incurred
expenditure - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 17pt2_exp
enditure incurred by
the household on sp
ecified items - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 18_Partic
ulars of sale and lo
ss of assets during
01-07-2002 to 31-12-
Variable Groups
Serial no.
File: Visit 1_Block 11_durable assets owned by the household as on the date of survey and related transactions
File: Visit 1_Block 11_durable assets owned by the household as on the date of survey and related transactions
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 1123774 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category | Cases | |
01 | bedstead | 123454 | ![]() |
02 | steel / wooden almirah / dressing table | 58782 | ![]() |
03 | other furniture & fixtures | 93947 | ![]() |
04 | radio, record player/tape recorder/stereo/ musical instruments for household use | 52195 | ![]() |
05 | television, VCR/VCP/VCD, DVD Player, home theatre, multimedia PC | 57962 | ![]() |
06 | other goods for recreation , entertainment and hobby | 6832 | ![]() |
07 | pressure cooker/ household utensils | 136274 | ![]() |
08 | gas/electric oven/cooking range/ microwave oven | 39668 | ![]() |
09 | electric fan, clock/ watch, water filter / electric iron/ sewing machine | 102913 | ![]() |
10 | refrigerator/ air cooler/ air conditioner/ washing machine | 21029 | ![]() |
11 | other cooking and household appliances | 78563 | ![]() |
12 | therapeutic appliances and other personal goods | 6889 | ![]() |
13 | bullions & ornaments | 113236 | ![]() |
14 | other durables | 89215 | ![]() |
15 | total (items 1 to 14) | 142815 | ![]() |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.